Lump growing on inner crease L arm

Hiya, I noticed a lump on my left arm crease a few months ago, that seems so have grown a little bit. It's not rock hard (but it Hard ish) but also isn't movable and no pain, but since it's grown I have been getting weird sensations down and up my arm.

went to the doctors and he's ordered a ultrasound scan, he did mention sarcoma but also said it's not like a stone so possibly not sarcoma but also was concerned as it did not move or cause any pain... 

The scan is meant to be within 2 weeks but due to covid-19 I'm still waiting for a call, I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting but if anyone has any relation to this it would be appreciated. The waiting is really hard, Thanks  



  • Hi Jvalgon and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry about your arm but fingers crossed you won't have to wait too much longer for your scan. Hopefully some of our members will offer their support and advice to you soon but in the meantime I just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi jvalgon


    Hope you got some good results, if found a lump just over a week ago inside my left elbow pretty much what you've described. Not been gp and its bugging me .. 

    How did your scan go did you find out what it was??

  • Hi I also have a lump in crook of my left arm well actually I have two. They are fairly firm and don't hurt or move. I finally managed to do an e-consult with my GP and have been referred for a scan so am waiting to hear. I'll keep you posted 

  • Further to my earlier post I am now quite worried as as well as the two lumps in crease of left arm I have now a lump in crease of right arm which definitely wasn't there 3 weeks ago when I discovered the other two. Has anyone else has lumps on both arms ? Am waiting for a scan appointment to come through. Any info will be gratefully received Thanks 

  • Hey did you ever find out what it is? I'm currently having the same symptoms right now. Started with a small squishy lump on my left arm, then the next day a pretty big firm lump popped up next to it and makes the area look swollen. After poking around I can feel several other soft and firm lumps under the skin. I then found two soft lumps under the skin on my right arm crease too. It's all really starting to worry me 

  • Hi there

    i did have an ultrasound on both arms and was just told that they are soft tissue and nothing to worry about. They won't go away and May even get bigger in which case could be removed. I still find it strange that I now have 3 lumps why have they all appeared at once. Still a little worried if I'm honest. Are you getting yours looked at? Hope all ok  

  • Thank you for replying to me, I'm glad your scan went well and you got told it's nothing to worry about! I totally understand why you still feel a bit worried though, it's scary when these sudden changes happen to our bodies. Mine pretty much appeared all at the same time too and I just don't get it.

    I'm still awaiting a letter to tell me when my scan will be, I'm going out of my mind with worry. My doctors appointment was last monday and I've still heard nothing. The biggest and firmest lump on my left elbow crease seems to be steadily growing and it seems like its really deep inside my arm. Hopefully I get a letter with a date for the scan tomorrow morning.

  • Trying to her appointments for anything medical at the moment is just a nightmare. Hope you get a scan soon and some reassurance. Keep me posted x

  • Hi Millie , was your upper arm tender with it ? I have a lump inner elbow and tender nodes up the arm. Have a breast lump too, I am terrrified