Worried about diagnosis - inflamed cervix and many symptoms

I'm 25 years old and am really worried about my upcoming gynaecology appt. It started when I was having some discomfort and bleeding during sex. I went to my GP and she said I had an inflamed cervix and referred me for the urgent 2 week programme. On the same day as they told me I had an inflamed cervix I had sex that evening but didn't have any bleeding or discomfort. I have now started getting some pelvic pains that also goes down both sides. I'm also having some really mild brown discharge which I'm very worried about as well! 


Does anyone have any advice or similar symptoms?

  • Hi all

    i hope you are all well

    just Wanted to jump on on and say thanks so much for posting as I had an appointment earlier and was told my cervix was inflamed 

    there's also some swelling on my right pelvis

    i am being referred for a gynae appointment for the inflamed cervix  and ultrasound for the swelling and I was trying not to panic so to read you have all got on ok has helped me so much!

    just got to try and remain calm and wait for the appointment but it's difficult isn't it?

    for anyone who may read this my symptoms were a foul smelling discharge and some pain but that could be a cyst?

    I also have lipoedema and was diagnosed with a polyp on my cervix about 8 years ago which they left to go away naturally and it did

    ill update after my appointment but thank you again for sharing as I was frightened to talk to anyone about it as don't want them to worry 


  • So sorry to hear you're through all this :( it's so stressful and such an anxious time.

    I had smelly discharge (sorry it too much info) bleeding and cramping pain and pain during sex.

    when gp had a look she said she was worried and that of course worried me! :( she didn't say much other than my cervix didn't look right and I bled lots when she did swobs 

    I was put on a fast tract referall and mine was just a large inflamed polyp. So had it removed there and then and no other issues or concerns :) I was due a ultrasound but gyno Cancelled after my consultation and was happy that all my symptoms were caused by this inflamed polyp. But he did say when I got there he was expecting it to be a cyst or a polyp as they are the most common and tend to be benign.

    are you up to date with you smears? Try not to worry too much, I know easier said than done x

  • Thank you for replying


    yes all up to doubt with smears :)

    I think they are so important and this just highlights it :) 


    Im not sexually active at the moment so don't know about the pain during sex but defo have the smelly discharge 

    I've been sat at work and at times have smelt it it's mortifying. 
    have already had tests for STI's and STD's and I was one of the first to get the HPV vaccine when they launched it so hoping it's just polyps!