Armpit and breast pain



About 18 months ago I started to get a tender right armpit on and off, the gp said she thought it was just irritated lymph nodes due to shaving and wasn't worried at all.

It continued becoming tender and going away and then coming back again so I saw her again 6 months later, she didn't even check, just said it's just lymph nodes.

It carried on so I saw a differed gp in December last year, not but sent me for a blood test and referred me for an ultrasound. Blood tests came back normal, waited ages for an ultrasound appointment despite calling numerous time to finally be told after 5 weeks that I should have been referred to the breast clinic on the 2 week referral so I was finally given an appointment for a few days later.

The Dr felt my breasts and underarm and said all felt normal, no lymph nodes etc but would do an ultrasound as it had been happening for so long, again all normal, lymph nodes fine but they found I have extra breast tissue in my arm pit.

I went away and stopped worrying about it but now (6months later) the tenderness in my armpit has got more painful over the past 2 months so I'm.going back to see my GP on Tuesday as she wants me to go for a review.

My breasts haven't changed, the tenderness seems to happen for around 7-12 days a month and then goes away and is usually accompanied by some breast tenderness sodoes seem to be cyclical but i have the Mirena could and don't have periods anymore so can't track a cycle.


Has anyone had extra breast tissue immthe armpit that causes pain? Or anything similar?


Really sorry for the long post! 


  • Hi Debbie,

    I'm sorry to read you're still experiencing issues with this, although it's good to hear nothing untoward was found during the previous tests.

    Do of course use the appointment tomorrow as an opportunity to discuss all the questions you have.

    Meanwhile if anyone here has similar experience to share then hopefully they'll be along soon.

    I hope all goes well tomorrow.

    All the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Debbie. 

    Did you get any answers for this as I experience this too tender to the touch thought it was shaving or resolved deodrant as have experienced many times before . No lumps no changes no bumps etc but a niggling dullache usually this happens for me when I am having my period then it does this time it didn't go but my period was a lot shorter ironically am due on again soonish and I did read this tender underarm pain can start 2 weeks before you're actual period . Did you get anywhere?