Raised ESR levels

Hi everyone,

After 5 months of pain with BMs, 2 months of swollen lymph nodes in back of neck and 1 month of swellings in groin I was finally given a blood test. This apparently came back satisfactory but my ESR levels were slightly raised. Just wondering if anyone diagnosed with cancer has raised ESR levels because I'm convinced this isn't just some infection causing this? Lymph nodes are not supposed to stay up for months and I'm worried it is linked to the pain I have when going for bowel movements.

any advice appreciated


  • Hiya,

    The problem with ESR is that it isnt specific for any type of condition it is a marker of inflmmation. So it could be coming from anywhere. My inflmmation markers are up and down and have been for over a year now. My last ESR test came back at 17 and got referred to haematology but was cleared from them and it was eventually put down to my severe ibs and iluitis (inflmmation of part of the small bowel.). I know its hard when worrying about possibilities. I also have swollen lymph nodes at the moment which ive hard more bloods taken for. I hope you get answers soon x feel free to message if you need too :) 

  • Hi sammyg2010,

    Thanks for your reply! That is good to know, I guess I just wonder where mine would be coming from as the doctors don't seem to want to take further action. It's nice to know I'm not alone, I hope you get answers too! Keep me updated on how your bloods go. How long have your nodes been up for and where abouts? 
    Thankyou :) 


  • So i had a lymph node come up for around 6 weeks end of last year in my armpit. Then about a month ago i felt a pea like lump in my neck below my chin. Then a couple of weeks ago i felt a lump on my jawline/just belowe jaw line. And i keep feeling like my throat is swollen and get discomfort when eating and drinking. I also have had a persistent low grade fever since janurary ‍♀️ the doctors are not the wiser at the moment. 

  • I hope you get some answers soon! Have your lymph nodes gone away in your armpit? That would be promising at least. Hopefully there is a benign explanation to what you have been experiencing 

  • Hi do you have any updates at all? Were your lymph node swellings all on one side? I have bowel problems and lymph node swellings high up in the right of my neck and below right collar bone I'm trying to figure out wether it could be linked to the bowel problem. Keep getting told it'll be IBS due to my age (28) but I've lost 4 stone in 5 months and I'm very scared. Haven't had a colonoscopy 

  • Hi, no updates unfortunately, my doctors told me to call back in a month, so will call next week I think. All of my nodes in my neck are up on the right side only and are on the back of my neck running next to the top of the spine. In my groin they are up on both sides though. Have you had any bloods or a DRE done? I'm 20, so I also keep being dismissed which is very frustrating but if you feel something is wrong express concerns! I hope you get some insight as to what is wrong soon. What bowel symptoms do you have ?

  • Thank you for the response. Wow, that’s a long time to wait for results! I’ve had lots of bloods. CRP and ESR are always double the high end of normal. Slight drop in lymphocytes but everything else seems okay. I have an ultrasound on my neck lymph nodes on Thursday but I’m not sure if they’re looking at the one below my collar bone which they really need to as it’s as hard as bone. The gastroenterologist even said it is bone (it most certainly isn’t) I have stearrorhea which is like diarrhoea, right sided abdominal pain and nausea
  • That's good you have had blood tests and are getting an ultrasound! Hopefully the ultrasound will show what is wrong / normal nodes, as my doctors said high ESR can be a sign of infection. Are you still having bowel issues now? Hopefully it is nothing too serious, but it's good you should be getting answers soon. Keep me updated ! 

  • Thank you for the response I really appreciate it. I'm so so worried. I can't stop the weight and muscle loss which is the worst issue. The other symptoms I have I can deal with but the muscle loss is really scaring me and nobody seems to know what's up. 

    I know I haven't got an infection, my CRP and ESR have been consistently raised for months since my investigations started. Yes my bowel issues have been ongoing for quite a while but changed probably at the beginning of the year when the weight loss started. But the swollen lymph nodes in my neck shouldn't be correlated to my bowel, it's all a bit confusing really. I would like them to start hacking bits off me for testing at this rate! Thank you I will let you know what happens with the scan . How large are your lymph nodes? I think you should get back in contact with your doctor if they're still swollen 

  • Yeah I understand, I've been worrying for months now, it's the worst feeling not knowing and no one taking you seriously. Do you think it could be the stress and worrying which is causing even more weight loss. I have suffered slight weight loss but I think it could be down to my worrying. My bowel issues also began at the end of January, so it's been a while too. I also thought that my nodes shouldn't be connected, but it seems so odd for there to be no infection or reason, I too don't think I've had an infection as I never felt any illness. My lymph nodes are only pea sized in my neck, but in my groin they're much bigger maybe 1cm or more, even though the doctor deemed them 'small'. I think the fact the groin lymph nodes are swollen is concerning because of the fact I've had pain with bowel movements for so long but no one seems to be worried. I hope your scan goes okay and I will definitely be ringing back soon and being more demanding, it's just hard to keep being so forward when people are not listening!