Bloating, Bleeding from Bum with clots

Hello All, 

I'm 35 and a Mum to 2 beautiful girls aged 11 and 3. I guess I first had rectal bleeding around 18 months ago however my Dad was at the time dying in hospital of Cancer so put it down to stress.

Had another episode in Jan this year with severe bloating. I went to A&E and they said I had a compacted upper colon. Lower bowel was completely clear which confused them. As a result I was to be referred to see the Gastro team. Then Covid happened......

I since became pregnant and am currently 19 weeks pregnant. The past 3 weeks the bleeding is back. I feel like I can go to the toilet but all I get is blood and mucus. Feel unwell after too. Dr did blood test and stool test. Results came back the my Calprotectin level was very high at 1640 when normal range is 0-50.

Due to levels alone the Dr referred me as a suspected Cancer patient. To say that conserned me is an understatement but trying to stay positive.

Big complication is I'm pregnant and I'm worried. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms and what was the outcome for you? 

  • Hi [@lyn24]‍ 

    I know how you feel i was exactly the same i was panicking and my anxiety was through the roof at the time! The colonoscopy and the prep wasn't as bad as i thought and they tell you straight away if they see anything, then it gets sent away. You can do this :love: i promise! I'm always here for a chat xxx

  • Thank you so much x I have to say reading the posts on here have helped that I'm not the only one and that it might be nothing serious x just guess it's easy to think the worse x 

  • [@lyn24]‍  oh absolutely its easy to think the worst i tore myself apart for 11 months over my symptoms and mine just turned out to be IBD. But honestly only one more day for you! Mix the prep with orange squash and make sure its cold makes it easier to drink.... Take a book or something to the appointment for something to do while you wait xx

  • Thank you x I have mixed with dilute orange it's still not great but using a straw x I have a book to take with me just want to get to stop bleeding

  • I hope you don't mind me joining in conversation. I had red blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement. I rang my GP, and am having blood tests tomorrow, and a rectal examination. I am also going to have a stool test. I am praying they find piles, but deep down I think it's cancer. Last year I had endometrial cancer, so I'm convinced I'm going to be unfortunate again. 

  • If it's bright red blood chances are it's piles x good to hear they are seeing you quickly xx

  • Just had physical examination, no piles, so I'm even more scared now. I've got my fit test to do now. 

  • Hi,

    This was me last week. I finally went to the Doctors and she did an internal but no piles were found, I did the fit sample the next day and got a message saying they had found blood in the bowel. I've had bloods taken and waiting for the results. I'm convinced it colorectal cancer too. I've been referred for further investigations I'm beyond scared and my anxiety levels are through the roof

  • I have had these thoughts since July when my bleeding started. Today I went abs had an endoscopy the nursing team were so kind and helpful and the procedure wasn't that bad at all. They happily answered all my questions and explained everything. I have had some biopsies taken but the consultant was confident that it is colitis. It's not great but it's not cancer that's the main thing x so although it is so much easier to think the worse there are actually lots of treatable conditions that cause bleeding xx

  • Aww wow I bet you're thrilled. Not at the prospect of having colitis but them saying it's not sinister. Can I ask did you have the stool sample test and bloods tests taken beforehand? I'm concerned obviously because my stool sample came up positive now I'm scared of the blood results. I know I'll have low iron because I'd just had an horrible period and lost so much blood. I'm shaking every time my mobile goes off now x