Bloating, Bleeding from Bum with clots

Hello All, 

I'm 35 and a Mum to 2 beautiful girls aged 11 and 3. I guess I first had rectal bleeding around 18 months ago however my Dad was at the time dying in hospital of Cancer so put it down to stress.

Had another episode in Jan this year with severe bloating. I went to A&E and they said I had a compacted upper colon. Lower bowel was completely clear which confused them. As a result I was to be referred to see the Gastro team. Then Covid happened......

I since became pregnant and am currently 19 weeks pregnant. The past 3 weeks the bleeding is back. I feel like I can go to the toilet but all I get is blood and mucus. Feel unwell after too. Dr did blood test and stool test. Results came back the my Calprotectin level was very high at 1640 when normal range is 0-50.

Due to levels alone the Dr referred me as a suspected Cancer patient. To say that conserned me is an understatement but trying to stay positive.

Big complication is I'm pregnant and I'm worried. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms and what was the outcome for you? 

  • Have they tested for chrons ? These symptoms are typical of chrons disease 

  • Hi I just wanted to drop a message in to say I'm going through a similar thing! I had lose stools extreme high calprotectin levels then I randomly went back to normal now I can't go toilet I have bleeding and mucus and im reliant on laxatives. I haven't been seen yet my Dr put my referral through as a non urgent due to theothe calprotectin levels dropping alot but said he couldn't ignore the fact the level was still high ( first one 1500 second one a few weeks later 654 and Jan this year was 145) due to Covid still waiting and my anxiety is through the roof and I'm fearing the worst as I've had these problems for 18 months on and off!

    I hope you get answers and that it's not anything too serious

  • Is crohns associated with constipation? Everywhere I've looked I can only find about diarrhea

  • Good morning ClaudiaMadzLyla

    I am so sorry to hear you are suffering. Have they ruled out things such as piles? These are common in pregnancy. I am also going through some worrying symptoms and I feel like I'm not getting any answers from the professionals. I'm glad the Dr did blood and stool tests. Can I ask were your blood tests all ok? 

    My Dr won't do a stool test but I have had blood tests done twice this year so far. Both which came back fine. I have also had rectal bleeding on and off for two years now. When I was pregnant with my DD I actually ended up in hospital not with labour pains but with pains in my bottom which they laughed at me for because they could see some external piles. Since then I've put my bleeding down to piles. I still have piles now both internal and external but it's not those that are worrying me. Since lockdown the piles seem to have gotten worse and my bowel habits have changed. Dr still thinks the bleeding is down to the piles but back in March I lost quite a bit of weight without trying. I was given a lower abdominal scan because I was also experiencing pains in my abdomen. The scan was all clear and should have reassured me however they don't look at the bowel on this scan. I'm suffering with a lot of tailbone pàin as well and a feeling of fullness and that I can't completely go to the toilet. My stools have gotten thinner over the past week (since starting a stool softener) and this also worries me because I thought they were meant to help you go not change their shape. I had another examination on Friday and he could feel a large internal one and I'm back on suppositories for this. The Dr has only just decided that maybe he should refer me to à specialist. I'm worried it will be a long wait due to COVID and non urgent referral. All I keep getting is you are young! I'm the same age as you.

    Do you have a date for your referral yet?

  • Hi Frankii

    Please try not to worry although I know it's much easier to say that. I also have high anxiety and know how scary all this must be for you. I'm glad to hear you are being monitored a lot and they are doing stool samples to check your calprotectin levels. I was told by my GP that there was no point for a stool sample at the moment because they won't test it due to the risk of COVID in the stools. I am also undergoing some scary symptoms and like you have suffered for a while. On and off I've had rectal bleeding for the past two years. I was told I hàd external piles over two years ago when my DD was born because the pain from them put me in hospital not my labour pains. since lockdown my piles have gotten worse and are not responding to treatments. The Dr has done two lots of blood tests and I've had two examinations since March this year. They can still feel ànd see them . My worries come from losing weight back in March without trying to and that has completely freaked me out. I have also had a change in bowel habits and my stools have gotten thinner and looser this past week. I've had a lower abdomen scan which came back clear because I also suffered with pain in my abdomen and had high liver levels showing on my blood tests. I was convinced I had ovarian cancer or something wrong with my liver then but it was fine. I guess what I'm trying to say is please don't fear the worst. Often our minds can jump to the worst case scenario. I'm trying CBT to help my anxieties but I also know that until I get some answers about my current symptoms I too will worry about everything. 

  • Hi

    Thanks for your reply! Makes me feel a little bit better knowing I'm not the only one feeling like this although non of us should have to feel like this! I've had no pain particularly other than the odd cramp and as far as I know I haven't lost weight but I do get quite bloated but I'm sure that's down to the constipation. Like you all my bloods have come back normal just my stool sample with the calprotectin but according to my last GP I spoke to my stool has never been tested for hidden blood when I thought it had so that did send me into a panic thinking well what if there's been hidden blood but trying to positive think and remember that my bloods didn't show anaemia so probably not as bad as I think. I read your reply to the other lady and my stools have also got thinner and narrow since I've been on a stool softener maybe that's just what happens even though they don't advertise that? 


    Keep me updated on how you do 

  • It's good to talk to others about it as it makes us feel less isolated and alone with our thoughts I guess. It's good that you have no pain and also clear blood tests they can tell so much from blood tests. My GP ordered so many iron ones it's reassuring they were all fine as well. Wish he would do a stool sample for me. If they didn't test for hidden blood i wonder if that was because your blood tests were all ok? I can understand your what if feelings though I have had every sense of those since March this year and am getting totally fed up now. Just wish he would put the referral in and that could offer some piece of mind. The GP who exaume is not my usual one shc he has to recommend to my usual one that I get referred. Think I'm going to call my usual one tomorrow to make sure the referral has been put through as there could be quite a wait at the moment. Do you have a date for yours yet?


    Oh have they? That's good to hear as I really started freaking out this week when they suddenly started looking pencil thin and of course that put me into meltdown again. Maybe it is just something  a stool softener does. The GP doesn't seem concerned about it and I do feel like I'm being brushed off if that makes sense? 


    Hold on to the positives. Your blood tests are fine and the levels are dropping . 

  • Hi

    Yeah my stools have been narrow and thin for a while now ( I've been on stool softeners and laxatives for months) so if you're having the same thing maybe that's normal?

    It's definitely good to talk to other people it's support isn't it as some people who don't have these symptoms don't understand how scary it can be!

    If you want a stool test I would demand one perhaps? My GP did it as routine with the bloods they should of offered you one? The only reason they won't redo mine to check for blood is because when I got referred in April they said I had a anal fissure so if they redo that now it will show up blood regardless because of that so it wouldn't be a true measure of it....all I know is they tested for parasites and infections and a few other things I forget the name of now and I assumed hidden blood was in there but apparently not!


    I hear you on the being brushed off thing I've had to go to the GP about 6 times since January to get my referral the GP who did refer me wasn't my usual but he was amazing and thorough....I have no date yet but I did phone my surgery the other day for something and the secretary said she's going to chase my referral up for me and if I haven't heard in a few weeks to phone her again and she'll get on at them.

    Like you I just want some answers now so can figure out a game plan to treat this I'm so fed up now! Also I'm meant to be starting a new job soon so I'm praying I can have a appt soon so I'm not having to ask for time off on a new job.

    I will try to hold on the positives and you do the same all your bloods are fine and we are still functioning and able to look after our beautiful babies! I have a DD who's 9.

  • Yeah it's definitely good like you said it's support. I feel like I'm driving my partner, friends and family mad always going on about it and worrying about it. They haven't had symptoms like this so don't understand. We have a history of bowel cancer in the family which is why I get so worried.

    I'm not sure if they would do one as I do get rectal bleeding from the piles so that would show up blood anyway wouldn't it. I will ask though as the bloke I saw Friday mentioned it to me but wasn't sure if they would look at it due to the risk of COVID in stools ‍♀️ . I will ask my normal GP when I call tomorrow. I've literally had to call most weeks now  and only had telephone appointments ‍♀️ not good when I can physically see piles and need an examination. I've only just been given an examination as they didn't want to bring people in.  Back in March when my blood tests were done I had high bilirubin levels and a severe vitamin D deficiency. I felt very dizzy weak and unwell back then. The lower abdomen scan was an emergency referral and I still had to wait a month for it due to COVID. Very nerve wracking but like I said all was well and he was very pleased with my scan results. I then did the what if thinking tho because the one thing the lower abdomen scan doesn't look at is the bowel and of course with my piles getting worse I went straight to the worst case scenario. I'm feeling dizzy again now but I'm on a smaller dose vitamin D supplement which could be why. 

    I hope they manage to chase up your referral maybe call the hospital direct as well to make sure they have received it? It does get you down doesn't it. Stay strong for your little girl and let me know if you hear anything about your referral. I have a son 6 and daughter 2.

  • Hi

    I know that feeling my mum says I'm driving her mad! But being a single mum I haven't got anyone to talk to about it so I need to release the stress somewhere! Yes if you need to be seen then push for it I was seen in April after pushing for a while and it was very surreal but definitely do able! 

    The scan results being clear is a good sign scans are pretty good at picking up things I had a scan a few years ago that picked up gallstones which are obviously inside the gallbladder so I would try not to worry too much! But I know it's easier said than done and I'm the same always jump to the worst conclusion and expect the worst! Maybe it's our way of protecting ourselves in case god forbid we got the worst news? I don't know.


    I'm not sure which hospital I have been referred to as their is two where I live I'll have to ask at the surgery if I have to ring up again see if they know.

    Keep me updated on you and how you get on I'm only ever a message away