Endometriosis hyperplasia

Hi,  new to the site.  Waiting for biopsy results and a hysterectomy  appointment after finding out my endometrium lining 17mm and maybe a polyp.  Quite anxious and in pain and bloated most of the time. Taking norethistrone and tranexamic.acid to control the bleeding which is been continuous for 7weeks. Had 2 quite big clots today. Not sure how worried I should.be. I think I was in complete denial for a couple.of days that all is fine. Now Im just  kind of  trying to  digest that may have to have a hysterectomy. 

One minute I feel silly  for.overthinking to the worst and the next that Im not taking it serious enough.

Does anyone else feel this way . Sorry for a long paragraph.  

  • Hi Umzi,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read what you're going through at the moment. It's perfectly natural for emotions and thoughts to change, as you process it all and see different sides of it. Certainly don't feel silly about anything. It's especially difficult when there is uncertainty and when waiting for results.

    Try to take things a day at a time, and as soon as you get the results you'll be able to discuss next steps and anything else with your doctor/specialist. I hope it's not too long to wait for that.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator