Worried sick - cervical cancer?

Hi All,

I am such a mess right now, I don't want to speak negatively over myself but I think something is horribly wrong.

For the past few months after my period for a few days I will have spotting, either watery blood red or red streaks for a few days at a time. I often ride a bike so was unsure whether the activity was triggering it or not. I have been having persistent cramping and achey pain in my upper left abdomen which has not shifted for weeks now which could be diet related as I have IBS but I'm not so sure anymore. I went to the sexual health clinic as I thought it could be an STI as I also noticed some weird bumps which turned out to be genital warts. I used the solution and the warts were gone so I thought that was taken care of, but the spotting and cramping pain is still here.

I recently got a smear done and my GP confirmed today that I am HPV positve and my smear was abnormal with borderline changes. That I need to get a colocospy but I am really worried that its a lot worse than this because of the persistent pain. I would appreciate any honesty, if anyone thinks this is cervical cancer or not as I am at wits end. I am going to try and change my lifestyle in the meantime but I'm going mad as I don't have anyone I can talk to about this.


Thanks so much :(

  • Hi Betty


    You are right about it being a whirlwind, because it can be so hard waiting for tests and results. It seems strange now, but when I was undergoing tests and waiting for results I never actually considered I had cancer, so I felt pretty calm. I always thought there would be a simple explanation. Turns out I was wrong, but I was very calm when I was told I actually did have cervical cancer. My first thought was ok..but can you treat it. When I was told the aim was a cure, I focused all my energy on those words, and repeated them to myself every single day. A positive mindset was hugely important to me, and has been in all the treatment i’ve been through since. 


    I’ve had plenty down days where dark thoughts crept in, but worry sucks the enjoyment out of being in the present, and ultimately worry changes nothing. I’ve learned that lesson over the past couple of years. Mindfullness helps-focusing on the present, deep breathing and making yourself be calm. Visualisation techniques also helped me, particularly when going through radiotherapy-picturing in my mind those invisible rays blasting away my tumour. Always repeating under my breath I will be well, I will be cured. 


    I hope that its nothing as serious as cancer for you..keep thinking positively while you are in this period of the unknown if you can. The sun is shining here today, I can hear the birds and I feel really well. I try to appreciate every single day and live in the now. Let me know how you get on-I’ll be thinking of you and am sending positive thoughts. x

  • Hi Minska,


    Thank you, your positivity shines through and I receive it. I appreciate your optimism as I know that I am a naturally half empty type of person. I will try and keep positive thoughts throughtout no matter what it is that I am told and shall try and take it from there. I have not told anyone i know what I am going through so I think this is where my mind goes into overdrive but I am lucky that you reply back to me.


    I will keep you posted on how I get on.


    Thank you so much

  • Hi Betty


    It’s very difficult to deal with things alone..I’m sorry You haven’t been able to talk things through with anyone, although sometimes, bizarrely, it’s easier to talk to a stranger. I’m normally a glass half empty type myself, and a panicky kind of person but since all this started for me my mindset has shifted to the glass half full version! Strange but good!  


    I’ve met some lovely people online and in person throughout treatment and surgery etc, who helped me immensely with advice and support. Nowadays I try to pay that back by helping others if I can. So I will always respond, and admit when I don’t know the answer! I don’t guess anything, I’m not medically qualified, but I have a lot of personal experience of what having my particular cancer is like, and the treatments and feelings involved. I am keeping everything crossed for you! xx

  • Thank you for your kind words Minska, I thought I should tell you how things went.


    I had my colposcopy and was told my cervix looked absolutely fine, which I suppose is somewhat good news but does not give me any answers about the symptoms I am having. The next day I went for a bike ride and within hours started spotting again, and the spotting lasted for a few days. Plus the abdominal pain is still lingering around - so I may have to have a colonoscopy because I feel like something has either torn or ruptured in my upper abdomen. I am not sure if they are going to do a biopsy to be sure, as I was so emotional throughout the colposcopy that I cannot really remember it all. 

    I feel like I have made two steps forward and yet have taken two steps back :(


    I hope that you are keeping well xx

  • Hi, 


    Sorry to jump onto your post but Im so worried to. I'm almost 29 and for the past week or two I've had bloating, bad stomach cramps (like period pain) and lower back ache. 

    I have a friend who has very recently passed away from cervical cancer and I've driven myself crazy and along with google have diagnosed myself. I'm really in a mess, I can't concentrate at school and I've spoken to my partner about how things will be with the children if I die. 

    My mind has completely run away with me, I have a smear test booked for 22nd July and the doctors can't see me until then. If anyone can give me a little bit of reassurance just so I can switch my mind off for two minutes I'd be so grateful. 

    thank you xx 

  • Hey there, 


    Don't despair, I completely understand how you feel. Just to make a distinction where is your stomach pain - my stomach pain is in the upper abdomen area?


  • Thanks for replying! Mine is lower, like period cramps. If I hadn't had a period 2 weeks ago I would have thought I was about to start, that's how it feels. 

    currently sat upstairs and can't face going downstairs to the other half and kids, I feel so guilty because there's people actually going through this in reality and I'm a state without even knowing anything!

  • Hey there,


    I think that having lower abdominal cramps is relatively normal, I'm no doctor but on the basis of just that alone I would really try not to worry.


    You're doing the right thing by having a smear test and hopefully that should put your mind at rest but in the meantime please please stay off of google, keep an eye on your symptoms and reach out to your doctor if it gets worse but don't worry yourself too much as google is very misleading.


  • Hi Betty-good to know things looked normal for you! I think your continued abdominal pain does need further investigation, but hopefully you can relax and knock cervical cancer off the list of possibilities. 


    I’m doing really well thank you and feeling fine! xx

  • Hi Minska,


    Thank you for your message and kind words of positivity.


    I will let you know how I get on, I'm not a 100% convinced yet because I still have the abnormal bleeding and abdominal pain with no explanation :( so I'm going to try and be positive until I get more information.


    Hope that you have a wonderful week ahead!