Painful lump in armpit comes and goes (I think)

Hi everyone, 


Not sure where to begin! About two weeks ago I found an almond sized, hard lump deep down where my armpit meet my breast. I saw a gp 2 days later, who referred me to the breast clinic under the two week wait referral. This was to be a full appointments moment of mammogram, and ultrasound with a biopsy if they suspect anything. I have since received a letter saying this appointment is now a 15 minute phone call. I'm guessing because of Covid... Either way, I'm not sure how they will assess this lump over the phone!? 

I'm 33, I have a 9 month old baby and I'm terrified of leaving her without a mum. The lump is sometimes quite painful, it stings, and sometimes when I go to find it im not sure I can, but it's always back the next day. Maybe I'm feelin in the wrong place? I also have a dull ache in my breast, shoulder and now under my breast too.

I know I'm rambling but I'm so confused. Has anyone ever had a similar experience? 

  • Hello Sophie

    Ive been having armpit for over 8 weeks and the dictors put in down to muscle pain. I managed to see my gp last Friday who felt my armpit and breast and a small lump was found in my breast and im awaiting a referral for an ultrasound to see what it is. 

    I had to go to a n e last Saturday due to pains in my chest and my xray was ok and got bloods done and ecg which were all good.

    Im extremely anxious and worried but im tryibg to remain positive which i know is really hard.

    I have a 5 year old and you do panic and think the worse (i have). I have spoken to my gp on two more occasions  as im scared and I've been given strong  painkillers and anxiety medication (which i was on before) to help. 

    My mum had breast cancer last year (found on mammogram) and she is in remission.

    I hope my appointment comes through and i can actually go rather than a phone call. 

    Im here if you ever want to chat. Send virtual hugs to you.


  • Hi Allison,

    Thanks for the reply, and sorry to hear you are going through a similar thing. I've had a terrible day, googling all sorts of awful things, and got myself into a complete mess about how the option of chemo might not be available now until lockdown is over. Must step away from my phone! My call is on Tuesday and I will push for further tests/scans, I'll let you what they say and what the options are, to hopefully help put your mind at ease. 


    Sending virtual hugs to you too
