Enlarged Spleen

Hi, this is my first post, I might waffle on a bit!

In December I had my yearly review for my high blood pressure, this always involves a blood test, I was told I have a "deranged liver" I've been told this by a different doctor who sent me for an ultrasound and nothing came of it a few years ago. This new ultrasound showed my spleen was enlarged, 16cm, I was then referred to a haematologist and a gastroenterologist. I had a CT scan which showed I had enlarged lympth nodes around my spleen, i was then sent for a bone marrow biopsy (I was so scared but not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be!) By this time the lockdown was taking hold and I had a phone appointment, he said my bone marrow was fine and that's good news but want to do a lympth node biopsy to see what's going on... in my head I thought he meant I was in the clear, I was so happy. Eventually some departments started to open back up and I was sent to endoscopy as an urgent case so they could do a fine needle aspiration, my swollen lympth nodes are behind my stomach. I have anaemia and a low platelet count, it was 69 in january, 67 in march, 65 before I went in for the procedure so they gave me a platelet transfusion. With covid I was the only patient in the department which was helpful for my anxiety, i felt like i could ask questions more when normally i think "they're busy, I'll let them see to that patient" 

The doctor then spoke to me and explained I was still being tested for lymphoma, my heart dropped, I thought it was over, he explained it's not usual practise to give transfusions in that department. I only remember 5 minutes of the procedure but I was in there for an hour, there were complications and I had lost a pint of blood, luckily they had started clotting so thankful I had the platelet transfusion! But my platelet count is now 63. I had to stay in hospital overnight to be observed but it's a week later since I've been out and I feel back to normal 

When I got home I read the notes the doctor wrote and for diagnosis he put "lymphoma suspected" my lympth node sizes are: 12 x 18mm, 20 x 11mm, 14 x 16mm and 23 x 17mm. I noticed he wrote that my spleen was 14cm so looks like it has shrunk 2 cm...

He said a week for the results but when I got home I had a phone appointment letter for a haematology on the 8th June so I'm unsure if I find out this week or 8th June...