PCOS - bleeding everyday?

i dont normally write on anything like this but i really cannot take much more i bleed everyday and have done for like 4 years (with a 2 week gap here and there when the drs have given me pro vera or northisterine to stop the bleeding) but as soon as i stop taking the pill i get so much pain and bleed heavy again, i am now anemic from the loss of blood, i have had ultrasounds and a biopsy and all clear. They diagonosed me with PCOS. I am constantly back and forth to the drs and feel like they dont believe that i am bleeding. I once ended up in hospital due to the amount of blood i lost and they sent a message to the drs to refer me back to gynae which i had already been dismised told to lose weight. The drs referred me to an endocrinogolist which sent me for another ultrasound which came back clear again. I am trying for a baby but feel like i have no hope as i dont even know if i can ovulate! has any body got any ideas as to why i dont stop bleeding yet nothing is wrong with me. Ive never heard anyone else to bleed everyday and the only way to stop it is for a week or 2 with tablets!:( Surely something is wrong, could they miss something like ovarian cancer? 

  • Hi [@EH1998]‍ 


    Sorry I cannot give you any gynaecological advice, but you are clearly unhappy and uncertain. Would you be able to go back to your GP and maybe later list of bullet points of your concerns to get some questions answered.Sorry I cannot offer more.

  • Hi sorry late to the post . I bleed every day. Had all the tests and also sent home told to lose weight.  And was also told I have pcos. This has been going in for about 4 years , for 2 of those years I would be 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Now I dont get the 2 week gap. So I know exactly how you feel. I already have my children with zero plans of having any more . I asked to have everything removed and they refused . 

  • Hi. I came across this platform as I am doing research into how to stop myself from bleeding. I have been suffering from PCOS since 2016. I remember it was Christmas and thought my period I now 10 days which has never happened before. 10days turned into 6 months. I was bleeding non stop. It was so bad that I would go to work and when I arrived I would have to be sent back. I had to keep extra clothing in my car and I would go through about 1 pack of 22 pads in a day. The doctor gave me meds and told me it would be for life. The meds did not work. I was told to have the mirena coil which I did. The first time putting it it came out  because of the massive clots which use to come out from inside of me. I asked the doctor to try putting another one, which stayed. I had it for 4 years but during the lockdown I would be in pain really bad pain and it was worse during sexual intercourse. Two months ago I contacted my GP explaining these issues. I was told that the mirena coil has inflammed my cervix as it has been out of position for a long time now. The mirena coil worked for a few years but now the damage waiting to be revealed on my end. I am back to my prolong bleeding. I have cut done on red meat,carbs, and sugar. I drink Apple Cider Vineger with lemon and a bit of honey. Everyone is different. What may  not work for me may work for you. 

  • Hello I also have PCOS (diagnosed 25) and have been suffering from heavy and prolonged bleeding since Feb 2021 (am 43 and had no problems up to now). I am about to have biopsies to rule out womb cancer of which bleeding seems to be the only symptom. I have also been told that the only LT solution is to lose weight (have gained quite a bit in recent years which may have triggered it) but that ST I should have the Mirena coil. I am very worried as I have heard there are lots of terrible side effects so would be interested to know what others think. In terms of the original post I would see the GP to get a referral to a dfferent gyno and look into the IUS coil. Are you taking an iron supplement. I take Spatone which I would recommend. I would love to find a natural remedy so Shipost03 I would be interested to know whether the ACV works in reducing the blood? Why the lemon and honey?

  • I have had bleeding pretty much daily since having my daughter 2 1/2 years ago. Before her my periods were regular. I had ultrasounds and tests when she was round a year old and was told lightly polycystic and was left to it. I already had the mirena coil after i had her. I went back to the doctors a few months ago as was sick of the bleeding. They told me today definitely have pcos and been referred to gynaecologist. Is there actually anything they can give to stop the constant bleeding. I'm unfazed by the fertility side as im done with babies but I don't wanna bleed all the time ‍♀️ I could do with losing a bit of weight just really don't wanna get brushed off again 

  • Hi, I have PCOS, was told around 10 years ago. I'm 31 now. I've been having problems with continuous bleeding for the last 9months. My Dr gave me northisterone for 10days. After trying Tramzamic Acid and Mefenamic Acid which didn't do much. The Northisterone worked but I've been on it before, due to ongoing bleeding but not for as long, and it messed with my blood clotting factors so had to come off them. My GP told me I can't have the combined pill as my BMI is too high. I've had scans too but they came back clear appart from my PCOS as did my bloods. I'm getting quite anxious about it as I recently learned that a close blood relative had cancer in that region (wasn't told any specifics) when they were around my age. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of anything that helps with the worries? Sorry if I've done this post wrong it's my first one as I'm new on here. Also apologies if anything is misspelled, I have dyslexia. Wishing everyone well.

  • Shaddowstar I had a womb biopsy to rule out womb cancer. From what I have read continuously bleeding is the only symptom of womb cancer. I would say that given your age it is unlikely but I am not a medical expert. I would suggest speaking to a gynaecologist who may recommend that you have a biopsy just to rule it out and give you peace of mind. There are many things that can cause this so try not to worry. For example having an iodine deficiency can also cause this symptom. I am looking into this at the moment as I am vegetarian. I hope you are able to get the help you need.

  • Thank you so much for your response. This does make me feel a little better about it. Don't think I've ever heard of an iodine deficiency. I'll have to look that one up. I hope you are well.

  • Hi have you found anythin else about this hun as i am in the exact same position i bleed every day its a joke and i have pcos and had ultra sounds all good i cnt take the bleeding either have you figured anythin out hun to help me xx 

  • Hi just seen your post I am having a similar problem at the moment normally don't have periods since December I have bled constantly I've had about 3 episodes of heavy clotting but then bled constantly in between sometimes light bleeding sometimes barely anything. I haven't been to the drs I have been to scared I suffer with health anxiety so I am highly triggered at the moment. I have had pcos 10 years and have always had issues with not having periods. I was just wondering if this was similar for you? Xx