Large breast lump - GP says not benign

Hi all,

I've had an inverted nipple with occasional shooting pains for about a year. It started during a period of rapid weight loss through stress so I just put it down to that. But a couple of days ago I noticed puckering, and when I rang 111 and they told me to check, there's a lump the size of a plum in there!!

I had my GP appt yesterday and as expected have been referred for an urgent appointment. No surprise there. But when I said 'It could be benign though?' she immediately shook her head and looked down. When I pressed her she conceded that until the biopsy results no-one can be 100% sure, but said 'it's suspicious though'. When I joked that I could at least kind myself until the results, she shook her head and looked down again, then repeated that it was suspicious. 

I expected the referral. What shook me was the GPs apparent certainty that the lump is cancerous and her refusal to give me the slightest room for any false hope!

Has anyone had a similar experience with the GP at this stage? And how did it turn out?

TIA xxx

  • Ummm positive thoughts remember young lady else me and you will fall out

    You are going too be just fine I know it

  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is never easy xxx

  • Thank you hun. We've been reminiscing about Pumpkin and although we're sad to have lost her, she did have a happy life for the four years she was with us and we've got loads of happy memories. She went so peacefully! And that is such a great comfort. So we're focusing on the happy times we shared with her.

    She was really sweet and loving. And she had me so well trained Daisy is seeming a bit lost, but we're getting a new duckling tomorrow to keep her company xxx

  • Thanks Racheal! I'll try, wouldn't want you falling out with me xxx 

  • Cherish those memories.

    Big hugs to you and your babies.

  • Hi Racheal and Hope2be,

    Sorry for the delay in updating you. The last couple of weeks have been very intense and I've had so much going on in my personal life!

    I had the ultrasound and mammogram at my appointment, and a core needle biopsy on my right breast, where the large lump is. They found calcium spots in my left breast so I had to go back the following Tuesday for a fine needle biopsy guided by the mammogram on that - I naively thought the 'fine' needle meant it would be less painful!!!

    I get my results this Friday - 3 sleeps to go! The consultant said about the lump in my right breast that 'it's not looking good', but on the plus side the ultrasound didn't show any signs that it had spread to my lymph nodes, so that's good. Having the lump cut out and being blasted with chemo or radiotherapy won't be pleasant but isn't a death sentence either, so I'm not feeling too scared right now.

    I'll update the thread on Friday when I get the results. Hope you're both keeping well and thank you for all your support xx

  • Thanks for the update [@Evie123]‍ 

    Sorry it's been such an intense time for you. I am sorry to hear what the consultant says but glad about the lymph nodes. I hope Friday comes as quickly as possible for you I wish I knew what else to say to help. Hugs.


  • Hi Hope2be & Racheal,

    My left breast is clear but the lump in my right breast is cancer. They can't save the breast as the lump is over 5cm and close to the nipple so I have to have a mastectomy. On the plus side it doesn't seem to have spread and it's slow growing so not too aggressive, so it could be worse. 

    I've asked them to delay the operation for now as they're not doing reconstructive surgery at the moment due to the coronavirus - the consultant said they'll probably be starting them again in July and as the cancer is slow growing I don't think a delay of a few weeks will do any harm, and the consultant agrees. I think they're going to be starting me on hormone treatment in the meantime. They'll do a test when they do the op to see if I need chemo - fingers crossed it won't be needed!!

    Thank you both for all your support xxx

  • Hi Libby,

    Thanks for the hugs and kind words. I miss Pumpkin so much! 

    Not looking forward to having a mastectomy :/ but I'm relieved the cancer hasn't spread and isn't very aggressive so focusing on the positives!