Large breast lump - GP says not benign

Hi all,

I've had an inverted nipple with occasional shooting pains for about a year. It started during a period of rapid weight loss through stress so I just put it down to that. But a couple of days ago I noticed puckering, and when I rang 111 and they told me to check, there's a lump the size of a plum in there!!

I had my GP appt yesterday and as expected have been referred for an urgent appointment. No surprise there. But when I said 'It could be benign though?' she immediately shook her head and looked down. When I pressed her she conceded that until the biopsy results no-one can be 100% sure, but said 'it's suspicious though'. When I joked that I could at least kind myself until the results, she shook her head and looked down again, then repeated that it was suspicious. 

I expected the referral. What shook me was the GPs apparent certainty that the lump is cancerous and her refusal to give me the slightest room for any false hope!

Has anyone had a similar experience with the GP at this stage? And how did it turn out?

TIA xxx