Urgent referral to dermatologist - really worried

Hi everyone, 

I’ve just found this forum and I was hoping for some helpful, reassuring words. 

I am 25 years old and have had a suspicious mole on my shoulder change quite significantly over the last 4 months. Fast forward to this week and my GP examined it under a dermatoscope after it had changed again. These pictures were then sent to the dermatologist and within 24 hours my GP called me to say the dermatologist wanted to see me under an urgent, 2 week referral.

This has made me really worried as the dermatologist has already seen the pictures from the dermatoscope and, from what I understand, it is these pictures which have warranted an urgent referral. 

Can anyone who has experienced this process before please let me know what to expect at my appointment? It’s in 6 days. 


Sophie xx

  • I have the same situation as the original poster. I hsve had a very dark mole on my lower abdomen since i was a kid. And then a few weeks ago i noticed it had started to lighten in colour, now has a sort of halo border around it and it now has a slightly rogher texture. I made a request for my doctors online last Monday and the doctor finally called me today at 9am asked me about the changes and asked if i could get there straight away so she could look at it.

    Obviously this worried me and so i asked my boss for time off and she let me go straight away. The doctor had a look at it with a magnifying device and said she was getting me an urgent referral to a dermatologist and that i would get a phone call within the next 2 weeks to get an appointment.

    I'm trying not to worry but it's really hard and i hate the waiting. My sister says it is probably nothing but they have to check as a precaution. And i know she is right but it's still going to be playing on my mind till i see the specialist. We have had lots of different cancers in my family so obviously i panic a lot. And today is the 6 year anniversary of my mother's death from cancer so it wasn't the type of news i wanted to hear today.

    Anyway, i just needed to get it all out to people that have been in my situation. Thanks for reading. Fingers crossed i hear about an appointment soon!

  • I went for my 3hr apointment  to the hospital on the 8/9/21 and the dematologist wasn't sure what the lesion was on my foot,i was exspecting him to say it's ok and there was nothing to worry about.He thought it might be a mole but wasn't certain so he said he would like me to have a Punch biopsy so i had one done while i was there .This just takes a small circle hole in the lesion , followed by dissolvable stitches it doesn't hurt in fact the local anesthetic hurts more than the punch.I had a holiday booked 9 days later and did a lot of walking with no problem ,the biggest problem was having a shower so has not to get the wound wet..Its a waiting game again now,ive been told it takes 3/4 weeks for the results so ive been waiting 19 days .Fingers crossed i get good news



  • Hi 

    Hope you all don't mind me jumping on this thread. 
    I'm so worried and don't know where else to turn too. 
    I found what appeared to be a blood blister on the back of my thigh last week. Over the weekend it went black and changed massively. I saw my GP yesterday who showed concern said it isn't a blood blister. He used some kind of device to check in out and immediately put me on 2 week urgent referral. 
    last night it started to bleed and has continued to on and off. 
    Im beginning to feel like I'm wasting nhs time. 
    Do I still go for the appointment or do I leave it and assume it was a blood blister after all?

    im not sure what to do anymore

    Thabks for any advice Annie x

  • Hi Annie , 

    so sorry to hear you are going through so much worry .

    I would definitely go to your appointment , it will put your mind at rest . 
    I had doubts about my lesion under my foot been a problem and kidded myself it was nothing  so was very surprised when after my photos were looked at the hospital I had to go back and they did a punch biopsy , I am waiting for the results of the biopsy with fingers crossed but so glad I went for my appointment, you have nothing to loose . The staff are amazing and put you at ease straight away 

    Best of luck let us know how you get on xxx

  • I am 39. My mom was diagnosed with Melonoma when she turned 40. I have had a mole on my left arm for as long as I can remember. I don't ever feel like it had changed, it was always a little irregular and always a little raised. 

    in July time it crusted over a little but healed and then didn't change again.  No itching, bleeding, scratching or anything. 

    It was playing on my mind a little so I sent a photo to my Doctor in September. She rang to say it looked a little irregular and, as a result, was sending me for some images to be taken. 

    That happened 2 weeks later. 4 weeks after I had a call from the consultant to say that due to family history they are going to remove the mole as an urgent case. 

    backlogs meant a further 6 weeks passed and on Friday I had it removed. 

    I am PETRIFIED. I am not sleeping, over eating, shaky, scared. Does anyone have any guidance on how long ir will be before they get in touch? 

    I know it's going to be bad news. I'm just scared about how bad. 

    if I look back at photos it definitely has been the same since about 2018. Before that it was definitely there but I can't tell by the photos whether it was exactly the same. 

  • Hi

    I am in a similar position to Sophie (original poster).  I went to the Dr with a dodgy looking mole on my left boob - I wasn't too worried about it as have had it for ever.  The Dr then urgently referred me, a week later I was with the dermotologist and then 2 days later I got a phone call asking me to go in to get it taken off.  That was 3 weeks ago today and today I received a phone call asking me to go in on Monday (8th November) for an appointment.  I am absolutely beside myself.  I am so anxious, thinking it must be the worse news if they want to see me.  Your comments above have helped me allay that somewhat but still so worried.  I am with you [@Nug68]‍ - I am assuming its going to be bad news - its spread - I am terminal.  Can't get myself out of this thought process.  The excision only took 20 mins which I am trying to think is positive - clutching at straws here!

    However, what I would like to say is you guys are all amazing - so supportive and kind.  Your words have really helped.  Thank you x

  • Had the appointment.  It was a melanoma unfortunately but in-situ so has been completely removed.  I have to go for a wide excision on Tuesday to remove some more skin just to be bullet proof.  Feeling quite shocked by the whole thing and also incredibly lucky that it was caught so early.

  • I'm currently in the uncomfortable waiting part of being referred. I noticed black lines on my toe nail 3 months ago and I ignored it thinking it was a bruise. 

    I then thought a few months later it must be a fungal infection since it spread more so used some over the counter fungal treatment. Didn't go away! Just spread more and now it's all different colours of black/brown!

    I went to the doctors and have been referred on the two week wait suspected cancer list, to say I'm freaking out is an understatement. I'm hating myself for leaving it 3 months.

    the doctor has mentioned subungual melanoma and I will need a biopsy.

    it's November 12th and my appointment is on November 24th, this two weeks is a painful wait!

    im only 23 and I've never really had any health concerns before! I'm grateful for this forum to speak to people going through the same thing, it's reassuring!

  • Hi,

    I also am in the same situation as you. Diagnosed with 1A Melanoma on Monday, having my WLE this coming Monday. 
    Then just 3 monthly check ups. Feeling positive, it's been caught nice and early and dealt with extremely quickly. 

  • Hi,

    I went to my GP week gone today as have mole on my stomach which is flat and noticed it's became very itchy, just the mole it's self?

    My GP looked at and said doesn't think anything sinister but took photographs and said would refer as margins were out and because of the itchiness.

    I was told they would either want to see me in person or if they thought things were ok by the photographs they would send advice to my GP surgery.

    I received a letter last Friday to say I have an appointment tomorrow 17/02 and it's got me so worried with being so quick.


    fingers crossed it's nothing.


    Has anyone else received an appointment as quick as this and been ok?

