Urgent referral to dermatologist - really worried

Hi everyone, 

I’ve just found this forum and I was hoping for some helpful, reassuring words. 

I am 25 years old and have had a suspicious mole on my shoulder change quite significantly over the last 4 months. Fast forward to this week and my GP examined it under a dermatoscope after it had changed again. These pictures were then sent to the dermatologist and within 24 hours my GP called me to say the dermatologist wanted to see me under an urgent, 2 week referral.

This has made me really worried as the dermatologist has already seen the pictures from the dermatoscope and, from what I understand, it is these pictures which have warranted an urgent referral. 

Can anyone who has experienced this process before please let me know what to expect at my appointment? It’s in 6 days. 


Sophie xx

  • Hi both,

    I’ve had a letter through the post asking me to attend the clinic in person on June 4th. Do you know if this is standard practice or do they only do in-person appointments if it’s bad news? I’ve done quite well in terms of not dwelling on this but this letter has thrown me a bit. 

    Thanks so much,


  • Hi Sophie,

    That is probably for your results, you will probably find that the results are being done a bit quicker at the moment as not so busy and I attended in person, all appointments good or bad.

    Fingers crossed for a good result..


  • Hi Sophie,

    It's normal practice to give results face to face whether they are good or bad. This is because they like to check the surgical wound and perhaps show patients how to check their other moles. So don't panic and hopefully all will be well,


  • Hi both, 

    Thankyou so much for your replies. 

    Just a week to wait now. Do you know what to expect at the appointment?? I’m getting a bit more nervous now about the results. Do they give you your results and then that’s just kind of it, depending on if they’re positive or negative? 

    Thanks so much both for all your support,


  • Hi Sophie 

    I'm 28 and in a similar position to you have been called back to have my mole removed and tested. So this thread has been very helpful for me too thanks for starting it - and thanks to everyone else providing insights!

    They took photos of mine on the 13th may and have been told my appointment for removal is 11th June so not very fast moving which isn't helping with my nerves.

    Hope your follow up appointment goes well - let us know how you get on.

    Holly xx

  • Hi Sophie,

    What happens at the appointment will depend on what the biopsy results showed. If it was benign, they will discharge you & may show you how to check your moles in the future. If it's a dysplastic (atypical) mole (pre-cancerous) they may want to remove extra tissue from around it to ensure they have got it all. They will also check any other moles - those with dysplastic moles tend to have a lot of moles. You may also be monitored through regular check ups - usually for a year or two.

    If the results shows melanoma, they will arrange for you to attend a further appointment for a Wide Local Excision - this is where they remove a wider margin around the affected area so they can be sure they have 'mopped up' any stray cancer cells. Also, dependant on the depth of the melanoma, they may offer a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy which will be explained in full at your appointment. This is only offered if the melanoma is more than 8mm in depth & it's done at the same time as the WLE. You will also have regular check ups for between a year & 5 years (depending on the Stage which is ascertained from the depth). 

    Hopefully everything will come back clear. Crossing fingers for you,


  • Hi everyone, 

    Thankyou so much for all of your amazing support. 

    The hospital phoned me today to let me know everything is benign! I am so so relieved and I don’t need to attend in person tomorrow.

    Thankyou so much again for the kindness and care you’ve shown me. It has been such a help and comfort.

    Take care everyone, 

    Sophie xxx

  • Hi Sophie, 

    I just wanted to write under your forum for some advice myself. I have literally went through almost the same as yourself back in April. I had a mole on my right breast which I noticed changes and my GP red flagged it to the dermatologist at my local hospital and I was seen within 2weeks. They checked the mole and others on my body using a hand held microscope device and she said she didn't think it was anything to worry about but would like to do a biopsy just to make sure. I had my biopsy done on the 4th May 2020.. the only difference is I was told I would have to wait 12weeks on my results due to covid 19 and it's only been 4 weeks since and my nerves are shattered waiting.. I noticed you got a response sooner. I live in n.ireland and wondered if it's different wait times depending on where you live? 

    I really hope you have a positive outcome x 

  • Hi Lauren, 

    I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this. 

    I live in the South East of England. To me the services didn’t seem at all affected by COVID other then having the results over the phone. I was seen within  week and had the mole removed on the same day as the appointment. I found out today after 3 weeks of waiting that my results were benign thankfully. My consultant said it wasn’t the same as a biopsy as they removed the whole mole but they did test it. 

    I am surprised the wait is 3 months - did you have the biopsy on the same day as your appointment?

    Good luck - there will be people on this thread who definitely know more about this then I do. This forum had been such a great help xxx

  • I'm so very happy to hear your results were benign. Take care and get your life back to normal now xx

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