Lumps in neck

Hi there,

In October last year I found a small, 5p size lump just below my hairline on the left side of my neck. I wasn't worried but it was still there in Feburary so I visited my GP. Blood test came back fine, except for low iron deficency. The ultrasound got cancelled due to COVID-19. I called my GP two weeks ago and she's reffered me again. I was told the imaging department at the hospital are still reviewing whether the appointment is essential and they will let me know (I have no idea when this will be).

I also have a lump on the left side of my neck (which I think is where the deep cervical lymph nodes are) since I was 13,  I've just noticed it has grown/changed shape. It used to feel like a singular lump but now I am able to feel multiple and it has spread towards the bottom of my neck.

I haven't got many other symptoms, I am slightly tired and have been experiencing a sharp pain in the bottom of my neck. I also have pain when breathing but that isn't frequent enough to be much of a concern. I get headaches too, slight back pain but no night sweats, no loss of apetite etc. 

I'm wondering if I should push for an appointment and if it would be worth making my GP aware of the changes. I wasn't too worried until I noticed the change in the lump I've had since I was younger. I am 24 years btw!

Thanks for your help!

  • Hi Walshy and welcome to the forum.

    If you've noticed changes in the lump you've had since you were younger then it's always advisable to let your doctor know so do get booked in to discuss this with them when you can. It will also give you peace of mind, which is always good in situations like these.

    In the meantime, we'll have our fingers crossed you won't have to wait too much longer to find out about the referral for your other lump.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator