Toddler with persistent swollen lymph nodes

Hi everyone.

I'm going out of my mind. My little girl (2.5) has had swollen glands in her neck for about 4 months, maybe longer. We didn't take her to GP at first - we'd only noticed 1 and it was  not always visible. It just didn't dawn on us that it could be serious. The GP felt her neck and said several glands were swollen both sides of her neck.


Shes had a FBC and that was normal.


she has some other symptoms - night sweats (her head only - don't know how long they've been happening but suspect a while) and she seems tired throughout the day (rubbing her eyes a lot).


were waiting for hospital to hopefully meet with us but covid-19 might prevent this.


i'm really going out of my mind with worry. Why would a toddler have such persistent swollen glands if not cancer? Does anyone have experience of this please? And also what will consultant likely do when hopefully we meet with them?and how long will it take to do all the tests - assuming that's what they do.


thank you for any thoughts and comments you can give me. I want to be prepared for what might be ahead of us. Being informed will calm me.



  • Hi there,

    I'm sorry to read about your worries and I can certainly understand this must be unsettling.

    I'm not sure if you've heard back yet from the doctor or the hospital, but if you haven't and you still have questions, it may help to speak to one of our nurses. If so you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Try not to worry too much at this point until you know more (I know it's easier said than done), as symptoms can appear for a number of reasons - I hope you're able to find out more soon about this.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hi, thought I'd provided an update. The consultant is not concerned about the glands. On our first visit she felt them and was fairly reassured as they were all mobile. We went back 2 weeks later and she said they hadn't increased in size and were still mobile. She's concluded he is just prone to them being raised / they will always be like this. A relief for us and hopefully reassuring for others to read this post in the future.

  • Hi my 2 year old is having the same she has extreme night sweats and she has swollen lymph nodes in her groin we have been refered to a pediatrician she also is very fatigued in the day :( I'm crying myself to sleep x

  • I don't want to worry you but if there is night sweats I would push to be refered to an oncologist xx the pediatricians told us my daughter was ok but I insisted to see an oncologist and he's concerned x

  • Hi I'm going through the same with my daughter, tired all day, very pale, swollen lymph nodes about 1cm in groin and neck and night sweats to. Have u got any answers. Hope ur little girl is ok sending love xx