Lump in lower left abdomen + bloating

I've had consistent non stop bloating for a year now (doesn't go down if i dont eat or overnight). It seemed to come on fairly suddenly and the doctors referred me for blood tests and an abdominal/transvaginal scan which all came back negative. I have noticed if i press down on my lower left abdomen there is a hard long lump that's painful when i press down on it. Unsure if this could potentially be related and potentially something serious? Noticed i am more constipated than usual and my bowel movements seem to come out in little bits now which it didnt before. Also have loss of appetite and can't remember the last time my stomach felt "empty". Drs arent giving me much help, last they said was that I must be "breathing in too much air" . The bloating feels like its getting worse and is so bad it's harder to breathe and it's making it harder to sleep not to mention that no clothes fit me any more as my waist size has gone up 10 inches because of it :( Unsure if its normal to have a hard lump there or not as I only noticed it recently and can't get to the doctors due to the current situation with covid 19 and it's really making my life miserable at the moment :( drs have pressed on my abdomen to feel for masses but its a bit deeper down so wouldnt have felt for it as they just did it quite lightly, could be something completely normal but just worrying a lot!! Any help or advice would be really appreciated

  • Hi There!

    I seem to have the exact same issue, I was Googling it when this popped up so thought I would see if you have had any response from someone who may know what it is? It's making me feel extremely tired aswell which is draining!

    Thank You

  • This is exactly the same as me! Male, 35, never really had bloating before and due to my diet always had very easy passing stools, but since a year or so ago I'm constantly bloated and I have a lump in my lower left stomach. Mine is a long lump, feels almost like a thin muscle running down from my hip to the public area. I also know often poop like a rabbit, hard and dry, nothing even close to how I usually do.

    Odd question but does massaging your lump cause you to release gas? Mine often does which is why I'm convinced they're linked. I have no such lump on my other side.

    I've been to the doctors who said to eat more fiber, if anything my issues is a long term over dose of fiber as I only eat fruit and veg 85% of the time.

    I had a celioac screening but was negative.

    Would appreciate any updates you have, very fed up of feeling pregnant most of the time. Good luck with feeling better and getting an answer.

  • Oh and just thought I'd add to the above, I've had a bowel cancer screening and parasite screening which also came back negative. My GP did them for me, however you can pay a few quid and do a home test, might be worth doing just to put your mind at rest.

    My gf also really recommends probiotics, she's convinced it's helped her bloating hugely, so I'm going to start soon to see if it helps.

  • Hi, I'm having the exact same problem, I've had constipation for over a year the doctors was telling me that it's ibs but it's constant, I take laxatives which help me pass stools. But as soon as I stop using it's like I block up again. I have this long lump also which goes down the lower left side of my abdomen it's quite deep so I can only feel it when there's lots of pressure. It's really worrying so wondering if anyone has any updates? 

  • Hey,

    No updates I'm afraid, not from a doctor's perspective anyway. I'm discovering foods that used to be fine are causing me the bloating. Salad, eggs, aldente veg, chickpeas, garlic and potatoes seem to give me massive flare ups. I'm starting to think the lump is trapped gas as it comes and goes.

    A couple of things that have helped me are taking digestive enzymes and this might sound silly but swear it's the best treatment, breathing deeply and focusing on relaxing when eating and after eating.

    I'm always in a rush and have had issues with food from when I was a kid, eating sends my brain in to overdrive so I've found really focusing on taking my time eating and breathing deeply really helps everything flow better.

    After eating I'll do some deep breathing and I can hear and feel my stomach going wild, gurgling and moving things through but it feels really good, like my stomach has been on pause waiting for permission to do it's job.

    Stress is an amazing thing and can cause lots of issues that might not seem related and I do believe that's what's causing me. But for me eating less fibre and annoyingly less healthy foods whilst taking much more time to eat seems to help (when I remember to do so).

    Hope this helps in some way.

  • Hi everyone, just to add my perspective on here, I to suffer with bloating and constipation & the long Hard/ish lump on left lower quadrant; I personally feel think after being for scans & bloods w them all being negative that it's your large bowel, and it's just built up poo. I get really intense pain when (I think) im all blocked up and the lump is then very noticeable to touch, I hope this had eased your worry slightly as im anxious the majority of the time but this seems to be the only reliable explanation plus if you look at the anatomy chart your large bowel will be exactly where that long lump is. Seriously think it's poo to be pretty honest. X 


  • To be honest I've just forgot about it now, not caused me any problems and yeah im saying your right. It's just build up.

  • I've taken senna tablets before. You can get them at boots, only take ONE before you go to sleep, and make sure you aren't doing anything for a few hours after you wake up, TRUST me on that. Takes 8 hours to kick in but flushes you out. I stupidly took them straight away at 4pm because I was in so much pain and thought they'd work straight away but it woke me up at 1am haha! Anyway, They are really good.