Found a weird freckle and am feeling frightened

Hi all!

Today I noticed a small freckle/mole on my chest near my armpit. I don't think I've seen it before, at least not the shape it is now. The surface is raised, bumpy and uneven and it kind of looks like it's growing up and away from the freckle.

I freaked out and rang my doctor. They asked me to email some photos, so I did, and then they called me back really quickly and booked me in for tomorrow morning.

So now I'm waiting, alone and scared. I live by myself and with Coronavirus I can't go out and spend time with a friend to keep my mind active either!

Just trying to reassure myself. The freckle is very small - a couple of mm across so I'm just telling myself that it will be fine! Hopefully... 

Anyone else has a really small mole that they had to get checked out?


  • Hi,

    I know it's very worrying but please try not to panic. It's good you have an appointment with your GP tomorrow & hopefully they can put your mind at rest. If they think it needs further examination or they are unsure as to what it is, they will refer you to see a dermatologist who is the expert in this field. 75% of patients referred to a dermatologist are given a clean bill of health so the odds that your mole is something serious are small.

    Moles that are cancerous are mainly bigger than yours but sometimes people see the change in a mole early (which is good) and catch it whilst it's small & before it can be a bigger problem. If yours is a new mole that's just appeared then it needs checking out anyway, however new moles can appear on anyone at any time up to the age of 40. If over 40 then it's best to get it checked anyway.

    Good luck tomorrow & please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi, 

    I've been in the exact same situation as you this week! I found a new mole near my ankle, my GP saw me the next day and told me he doesn't think it's anything to worry about. 
    Unfortunately, that has done little to reassure me, as I also live alone and suffer with health anxiety which is bad enough already during Covid, especially when there is nothing else to do but consult Dr Google. 
    I hope your appointment went well?