Hi have the same problem as you, with regards to the lump. My GP immediately referred me fof US Scan. Identification had many possibilities. Have been referred to hospital(orthopaedic sarcoma) for biopsy. Although I don't have any pain, it was considered urgent. Hope this helps
[@Bettina] did you get any answers? Everyone o Google hard lump on buttock it brings me here. Its been there a couple of months and hasn't grown as far as I can make out but I am in absolute panic mode because it doesn't have the description of a cyst but what sounds like a sarcoma im just looking for anyone that is in the same boat as me
I have a large lump the size of the Palm of my hand , it's red and very painful and I've noticed the pat day the redness is going to towards top of my leg
Did you ever find out what your lump was? I have had 2 MRI's amd ultrasound of my lump - just waiting to hear what they think this is. This lump can't be seen if you just look at me - but it's hard and it presses on my sciatic nerve when I sit down. They couldn't do a biopsy because of where it is, so that's why I ended up having a second MRI (first one was checking my spine for reasons of back pain!). I am hoping to find out what this is soon. Benign or not it needs to be gone, then I might be able to sit down without pain for more than 3 hours!
Hi songbird,
I'm sorry for such a late reply! I'm still nowhere further with the GP. They offered me another appointment with a nurse who tried a 7 day set of antibiotics (what good they thought that would do i will never know!). I took them of course, just to keep them happy. Going back Friday to see another GP.
Have you managed to get any kind of diagnosis for yourself? I hope all is well!
Hi Boymum 1993,
No diagnosis yet - but I do have an appointment to see a general surgeon next week to assess and discuss removal ( I hope!!). The only way to know what is causing this lump is either biopsy or removal. I do think it has grown since my last appointment - but not massively. The tissue and muscle around it feels different too. It's not smooth/ muscle like the other side. At least it's not long now..
I would say if your lump is not going away it warrants further investigation. Hopefully your GP will refer you on for this. Unfortunately a lump on your bottom is not taken with the same level of urgency as it would be in other parts of your body.
Please let me know how you get on.
Hi Boymim 1993,
Did you get to see someone today? Just checking in to see you are OK!
I have my appointment on Wednesday - been a long time coming!
Hi songbird, I'm sorry for the late reply!
I managed to get an appointment to see my GP and have, finally, had an ultrasound today. Obviously they couldn't tell me anything there and then and the tech said he would contact my GP with the full report within 5 working days. I just feel like its bad news from the look on their faces though.
I've done some googling (the dreaded dr Google ) and it's definitely not a cyst, I know that much. Fingers crossed my GP doesn't take too long to get back to me.
How did your appointment go? Fingers crossed for you!
Hi Boymum,
I actually had my lump removed on 1st April - am now waiting for the cytology and histology results, and they are taking an age as the histology results have gone to another lab for more testing! The removal itself was an ordeal - very painful and not what the surgeon expected. He was not a nice man!!!
Hi songbird.
Seems that's always the way! No matter now much of a worry it is, they always just take their time with it and leave you waiting, it's awful.
I'm sorry to hear the removal was awful! I suppose it's a tricky spot but still no need for the surgeon to be an *** about it all. My GP did tell me that wouldn't attempt removal unless they had to for me, which now worries me as I very well could need this.
I hope you're feeling a bit better now you're a few weeks into recovery!