Lump on soft palate

Good afternoon all,

Thank you for reading my post. 

I have been living with a sore throat for coming on 9 week's now. More recently, around 4 days ago to be specific I found a lump, relatively small and red on my soft palate. I immediately called the Dr's, and luckily I was seen that evening. The Dr seemed to think it may be a cyst caused by acid reflux, however this is something I have never had before. She seemed to think that the pain should have been targeted to that area, however I have pain all in my throat. I have been taking antibiotics for 4 days now, however it has actually got worse, another lump has appeared next to it and the other side of my throat is really sore now too. I have been also suffering with the HPV virus now for 2 years, and I am a 29 year old male. I'm feeling extremely anxious about this and I'm extremely worried constantly. Purely because it's been going on far too long and I know my body enough to know this feels extremely strange. Has anyone else had a similar experience? 
thank you so much. 

  • Sorry to hear of this. 

    Can you go back to your GP and ask for a referral for peace of mind as there is a second lump now?

    It might be non sinister, but best to be sure.

    I'll share my experience, lump on inner cheek, saw GP who thought it was an athmous ulcer (sp?) but to come back in 2 weeks if it hadnt gone.

    It didn't, so, after speaking to GP he referred me to maxillofacial surgeon and said they might do biopsy or tell me its nothing to worry about.

    Surgeon said it could be blocked gland but did biopsy anyway today. It didn't hurt, the needle was a vanishingly small sting, no problems with needle, no pain getting biopsy or stitches, but they warned me it would be sore when numbness wore off, which it isn't, four hours later but got paracetamol anyway as advised. Never needed to take paracetamol but it's there if I do.

    Now I just have to wait for biopsy results, but I am glad I saw GP and surgeon as I am feeling that I am doing something to help, as I would have just spent the time worrrying if I hadn't spoken to doctor or got referred to surgeon.

    I wish you luck, hope its not sinister. I also wish myself luck. 

    I advise to see your GP, it will help you feel like you are doing something about it, which will alleviate some of the worry.

    I'd rather go through the biopsy and be told its benign than sat with my lump worrying. 


  • Thank you so much for your advice. 

    I think calling the dr is my next move, just to be safe. 

    Can I ask how long after the Dr referred you that you was seen by the Consultant?

    Well fingers crossed everything is good for you, at least now you have been seen and will know soon. 

    Thanks again for your advice. 

  • Hi Steve

    Roughly, I saw Dr in Mid March after a painless match head sized lump wouldn't go away after a few days.

    Dr asked to see me 2 weeks later if lump hadnt gone, he thought it was athrous ulcer (?spelling)

    I don't mind that he got it wrong, he is not a specialist, I respect him for referring me.

    I saw him again on 30th March and received an online referral booking form that day, the booking office offered me an appointment the next day but I could not make it, as I needed transport to get me to hosp, so I got the next appointment today 6th April.

    The NHS came up trumps for me, given the covid slowdown everywhere, thanks for wishing me well regarding my results, the wait is anxiety provoking, but worrying won't change anything.

    What would have been worse is if I had remained at home without seeing the doctor, that would have worried me more.

  • Hey can anyone help ? 

    Ive had this feeling in my soft palate now for about 3 months it feels like food is stuck up there . But i can eat and drink fine . No pain just a feeling on the left side and when i run my tongue on it i can feel a lumpy feeling that moves its really strange also it hurts to talk to long been to the gp they said my throat and neck look fine any clues ?? 

  • I would get it checked for your own peace of mind Best of luck.

  • Hi Steve  I have exactly the same problem. I'm 29 I have a lump on the soft palete in the roof of the mouth. I have HPV also. Have you got any answers for your problem?

    Thank you