Enlarged taste buds at the back and side edges of my tongue


I have had enlarged taste buds at the back of my tongue now for about 5 months there are about 5 or 6 ar the back spaced out in a pattern  and at the same time the outside back edges of my tongue feel rough and swollen too

They dnt hurt but do feel bit uncomfortable and sore I drink atleast 2 litres of water a day 

  • I am no tongue expert but I felt better about seeing a GP about a lump on my inner cheek.

    He asked me to come back 2 weeks later if it hadn't gone and said it didn't look sinister.

    It hadnt gone and I could not go back due to covid but i spoke to him and he got me a biopsy which I have had today.

    I would rather get a biopsy and a negative cancer result, if I hadn't of gone to my GP I would have just obsessed over it and kept feeling it with my tongue.

    I await results. The staff told me the biopsy would hurt when numbness wore off, but the experience was much less painful. The numbing needle didn't even hurt, vanishingly small pin ***, taking the biopsy didn't hurt and although they told me it would hurt after the numbness wore off, it isn't hurting yet, and I had it hours ago. 

  • Hi, 

    I have the same issue bumps at the back of tongue and also on the right side.  did you get your results, what was diagnosed?