Lump between my buttocks

Hello. I'm so stessed right now... I've had a small lump between my buttock for some time now (an inch above the anus), never bothered to tell my GP. It recently got bigger so I finally mustered up the courage and booked an appointment. In the meantime the whole corona thing exploded so my GP is only doing phone appointments now. So I just had my appointment. She asked me if I have any other symptoms (no), is it soft or hard (I think it's softish? I have no experience in judgding how hard or soft lumps should feel like), is it painful (no). Based on that she said it's probably a hemorrhoid (I did question the fact it's so far from the anus) and to call them again once they go back to being open (no idea when that's gonna be). She didn't ask (and I forgot to tell her) how big it is - inch and a half. 

I know no one can diagnose me here, but I just want to know whether anyone had similiar or has any experience. I keep thinking the worse and I'm just so mad at myself that I didn't do anything about it earlier... I'm in my mid 30s.

  • Sorry you're so stessed right now.

    Glad you finally mustered up the courage and booked an appointment.

    As for corona I had to see my GP again at his request if lump not gone, corona stopped that, but thry DO take phone calls, so by phone they referred me and I got biopsy today.

    Can you phone again with the details you forgot and what you want to discuss?

    I've not had similiar Please dont be mad at yourself, it will do  no good.

    If you phone doctor it will give you reason to respect yourself again.

    good luck, let us know