Abnormal growth on cervix

Hi ladies. In 2016 I had a lletz procedure for cin 3. The smear test after that was clear of hpv and precancerous cells. This smear was in 2017 I think . 
ive had a few symptoms over last 12 months. Change in periods- early/ late , spotting the morning after inter course , pelvic pain and needing to wee all the time that it effects my days sometimes . 
I went to the gp and she did an internal . She said there is a patch on my cervix and did an urgent referral to gyno and booked me in for a scan. My scan was fine but when I seen the gyno yesterday, she said there is an abnormal growth on my cervix and made an urgent referral to colposcopy . Could this be cancer ? I feel that the way she kinda rushed when she found the growth means that she could think it is :/ looking for similar stories or advice 

thank you 

  • Hi, [@shoobeedo]‍ just wondering how you are? X

  • Hi Casey

    Thanks for asking how I am, I didnt get a notification so hadnt realised until I logged back in...
    I have had a nightmare to be honest. I went to Nurse again in January, she reasurred me all ok, only a polyp. A bit after, I started getting brown discharge (not sex or period related)... coming and going for days at a time.I went to doctors on Friday... she basically has petrified... she said she couldnt find polyp initially, and then 'oh this could be it' whilst rummaging around in there?!
    After, she was very evasive, said that what she saw wasnt like a classical polyp :( but she wouldnt give details and said she would expedite referral. She waffled a bit, didnt anser anything directly, said maybe the polyp had retracted (?), my cervix was widened and very red too. Then she said she wouldnt give me 'false reassurance'...
    Why would you say that?? She must have seen something bad... I am SO worried, felt ill all weekend, can't think straight. All I keep thinking is that I went in ear;y November... if its something bad, its 5 months later now :((((
    I hope and pray mine is angry polyp like yours...
    Words of wisdom would help, I feel sick xx sending hugs to you for checking in on me, sorry I have only just responded xx

  • I'm so sorry to hear what you have been doing through. Such a worry isn't it and even worse when the doctor/nurse won't offer any reassurance and I do think it's to cover their backs, as worried about getting it wrong. 
    when is your appointment? I wonder if you've picked up an infection from the polyp bless you :( I am thinking of you xx

  • Oh thank you for replying... it is so nice to have someone there! <3 
    I hope you're right, that its to cover their backs... but honestly, what a thing to say to someone that is quite clearly anxious. "I won't give you false reassurance'... just no compassion. She could have easily had said 'we don't know anything for now, lets get you seen where they have specialist equipment'... I mean, what a silly woman.
    I havent got my appointment yet, not sure what expediting will do? Is that the 2 week referral now? Or just earlier than July? She was in such a hurry not to over run her 5 minute slot with me, I didnt have a chance to ask. I don't feel like I have an infection, no pain, no funny smell (sorry tmi!), nothing like that. No discharge now for a few days, I am still desperately hoping for a fragile polyp. But I am petrified. I keep going from rational to irrational every 15mins. Its just sitting on my shoulder, struggling to work today. Ugh.I will wait until tomorrow and call doctors to see about the referral date.
    Thank you for being there, sincerely, means so much xx

  • Mine was the same. When I asked if I needed to worry she said well I'm concerned, but let's just wait and see. So I was convinced she thought it was cancer. If it's an urgent referral will be 2 weeks so you should hear something soon.

    but you're right they could at least have better people skills when they know we are anxious. End of the day they aren't gynaecologist so they don't know the difference between cancer and a harmless growth so they have to treat everything as possible cancer.. it's al the waiting that's the worst. 

    I'm now waiting for a referral for bad acid/heart burn I've had on and off for a year so feeling worried. One thing after another. 
    take care and hope you get your app through soon xx

  • Its such a worrying time. Thank you for replying xx
    I keep trying to think of EVERYTHING she said, it didnt help that I couldnt see her expression behind her  mask, as that might have given some indication. Now I am wondering if the bad lower back pain (feels like its on fire) is something sinister. Plus I odd sharp poking pains low down in uterus area. I told the nurse but she didnt really seem bothered!

    I guess you're right about them not knowing the difference, I will have to try and take some solace from that.

    Sorry about your heartburn. I had this problem for a long time. It went away when I cut out sugars and refined flours. And coffee. Only took a few weeks. I eat sugar and flour sometimes, but not too much as it all comes back again. Body just doesnt want it!
    Good luck with it all xx

  • Hi to you both, I have just stumbled across this chat whilst frantically googling things my GP said that has me worried sick!! I wanted to thank you both and see how you are?

    My symptoms seem very similar to you both and my GP sid the smear and an internal and said I was very inflamed, bleeding very easily even when just touched and there was an area of concern that she thinks is like a polyp except it's not 'classical' so she is urgently referring me. This was the day before Christmas Eve so you can imagine trying to put this out of my head for the kids has been awful!!

    your conversation has given me a lot of reassurance and to the user who was also told hers wasn't 'classical' can I ask the outcome?

    thank you both again

  • Hello Mccreadyk29 and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I noticed you were hoping to hear back from some of the members on this thread. Unfortunately it hasn't been active since March 2021 so there's a chance you may not get to find out how everyone is getting on.

    I really hope that won't be the case but if you don't receive a reply, you're welcome to reach out to others on more recent discussions about this topic or starting your own.

    We're thinking of you Mccready and hope all goes well with your referral when the time comes.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph

    Thank you so much for your reply, I knew commenting on such an old chat ran that risk but had happened to stumble over this forum as I was frantically doing the 1000th Google search of symptoms of the day.

    referral appointment is this Tuesday. Thank you for your kind words,


    Warm regards,


  • Hi how did you get on at your appointment? Xx