Abnormal growth on cervix

Hi ladies. In 2016 I had a lletz procedure for cin 3. The smear test after that was clear of hpv and precancerous cells. This smear was in 2017 I think . 
ive had a few symptoms over last 12 months. Change in periods- early/ late , spotting the morning after inter course , pelvic pain and needing to wee all the time that it effects my days sometimes . 
I went to the gp and she did an internal . She said there is a patch on my cervix and did an urgent referral to gyno and booked me in for a scan. My scan was fine but when I seen the gyno yesterday, she said there is an abnormal growth on my cervix and made an urgent referral to colposcopy . Could this be cancer ? I feel that the way she kinda rushed when she found the growth means that she could think it is :/ looking for similar stories or advice 

thank you 

  • Hello Lynzim14

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some health concerns which have resulted in an urgent referral to colposcopy. 
    Whilst it's impossible for us to say what this growth may be the fact that you've been given an urgent referral means that hopefully you will have a date for your colposcopy and the results quickly. We know that this is a worrying time so if you'd like to talk through  your concerns with one of our team of nurses then you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you for your reply it means a lot. Had my letter today for next Tuesday . It makes me nervous how quick this is going :( don't know what to think or do  


    lynzi xx

  • Hi [@Lynzim14]‍ 


    i was just wondering how you got on? I'm very much in the same situation and waiting for my urgent appointment and going out of my mind with worry :( I hope you've had some positive news 

  • May I ask what the outcome was for this? I am in exactly same position... worried sick . Growth found during routine smear :( I hope you are well x

  • Hi, 

    sorru to hear your going though it too:(I was very lucky, mine turned out just to be a polyp. From my GPs reaction I thought the worst. However as soon as I saw the consultant he didn't seem worried at all and said it didn't look anything to worry about.

    anyway my results came back as just inflamed tissue and no cancer. Waiting for my app was the longest wait ever. How are you?

  • Thank you SO much for replying. Thats reassuring , I am so happy for you.
    The nurse at appointment was quite harsh so I thought she was preparing me for the worst.
    When you say inflammed tissue (not cancer) do you mean from the smear? Is that aside form the polyp? Did they remove the polyp?
    Whatever I have is apparently visible through the 'doughnut' hole of the cervix... my periods are light and infrequent (I'm 47 and coming close to menopause I think)... so no heavy bleeding or anything. Just one episode of bleeding 24 hours after sex.

    I have had regular smear all my life, with no problems... but my last one was 4 years ago (overdue). Do you think that this means that if its cancer it would be advanced?
    Ugh. Thanks for being there xx

  • My doctor looked worried and put me on an urgent 2 week referral for consultant. I went coz I was bleeding after sex and had pain :( so went she looked she saw something which worried her. So I left in tears snd was so worried. She said there was a growth which was bleeding. 

    Anyway when I got to see the consultant he wasn't worried at all. He said I had a polyp whcih are very common around the cervix and womb. Mine was inflamed and bleeding. My results came back all clear xx 

    he also told me that cervical cancer is usually slow growing cancer so and often the pre cancer changers are very slow, before the develop to cancer so try snd keep that in your mind. I had severe pre cancerous cells removed years ago, so understand your worries. 

    have you been referred for an colposcopy? X

  • How scary that must have been. its so stressful and worrying.... Same as me then, with bleeding after sex. I havent had any pain, maybe a tiny bit of discomfort occasionally but not much.

    Yes, I also left in tears, and in a daze, I couldnt even speak, I was so shocked. 

    So reassuring that the consuktant put your  mind at ease straight away. I didnt realise polyps were common. I really hope thats what mine is. I really really hope. The waiting is awful. I am wondering whether to go privately. 

    Did you have a colposcopy? I have no idea what the nurse referred me for? Colposcopy? Hysteroscopy??What would they normally do? I might call my doctors surgery and ak them what the referral is for.

    Thank you SO much for replying. I am hoping and praying, like you say that its nothing, as I have been going regularly for my smears. 

    I am so glad you are ok xx

  • Has the doc put you on a two week referral? I tried going private but it was an even longer wait!!

    it will be for a colposcopy which is a camera to look at your cervix. I saw the polyp on my cervix on the camera and too be fair it looked angry and like a bleeding growth, so think it worried my gp. the 2 week wait to see consultant was the worst.

    yesh he said polyps are very common and more than often they are not anything sinister. I had some cramping pain, bleeding and heavy periods. After ten seconds he said oh it's just a polyp and I just felt so much better. 

    easier said than done, I know, but try not to worry too much. I know it's easy to think of the worst and your mind wanders doesn't it. 

    id try snd keep busy, read, watch tv and try and take each day at a time xx


  • Also if your smear was all clear 4 years ago, I think you should keep that in mind too. As it's likely your smear would pick up HPV/pre cancerous cells before it progresses to cancer, which more often than not takes years to progress to cancer. I know that's not the case tor all ladies, but I think it helps to keep it in perspective and hope that if it was anything sinister it would hopefully be very early cancer. 
    it was what the consultant told me over the phone - as I had a telephone app, two days before my colposcopy.
