Referred following pelvic scan

Hi...just wondering if anyone had any advice....or similar 'story' to me.

I had a pelvic scan monday (4 days again), following UTI's. Was under urology clinic. Had call yesterday (thurs), was consultants secretary, saying she had been asked to make me the next available I went yesterday.

The urology part of scan was ok...but consultants said scan showed bulky womb(fibroids), polyp on 1 ovary, and other ovary seemed to be attached to womb, so they could get a clear image to see what was behind it/causing attachment. 

Urologist said they where referring me to another hospital (gyno hopsital), and sent me straight for a blood test ...ca125. When I asked how long I will have to wait doe app, she said weeks rather than months

My dad has 

ust recently passed form colon I'm obvs very worried - thank you 

Oh and my periods are very heavy...and I've recently been getting very large cloths (over 5cm bu 5cm) during periods 

  • Hi Emto and welcome to the forum.

    I'm really sorry about your dad. No doubt what you're going through at the moment must be difficult given what's happened but if you can, try to keep an open mind until you've had your appointment at the gynaecology hospital and all your results have come back.

    I know this will be difficult but I'm sure our community will rally round to get you through this.

    We'll have our fingers crossed nothing sinister is found.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator