Inflamed Cervix

Hi, I had a Smear test in May 19 and all was fine. Recently I have had some bleeding so went to my GP who has examined me and found my Cervix inflammed!! She had made an urgent referral and says I will be seen within 2 weeks. I am 59 years old and post menopausal. Obviously I am very concerned about this. Is it reassuring that my recent smear was ok ? Or is it likely to be cancer ? I also have Protein in my Urine which is under investigation, could they be related ? 

  • Hiya I'm not sure if this is a possibility for you but maybe if could be an ectropion cervix ? My mum and I both Have it and the symptoms are almost identical to cervical cancer x 

  • Hi

    From what I've heard cervical cancer takes a few years to develop after the detection of abnormal cells. So having a clear smear last year is very encouraging. I'm not a dr so don't quote me but it's unlikely cancer has developed that quickly and to such a degree that it has caused inflammation like that. I might be wrong. An inflamed cervix sounds more like an infection or something else is going on. Sorry I'm not much help. Hope you get some answers soon. Let us know how you get on hun x 

  • Hi

    personally I had a smear in April 19 and another in jan 2020 and both came back clear as well as a colposcopy. But I had an enflamed cervix and bleeding so was referred again because I was determined something wasn't right. During the internal exam by my gynaecologist, she found a growth which has turned out to be cancer. Still no explanation as to how a 5cm tumour was missed on 3 seperate tests.

    This does not mean yours will be the same!

    But the reason I'm writing this is to say that if you feel something isn't right always listen to your body. Smear tests are not 100%, so I'd always double check with a gynaecologist.

    I asked for an internal scan and that's how mine was found.

    Good luck

  • Thank you Becks, let's hope mine is the same. I have recently had a stay in hospital with a Kidney problem, my Kidneys are losing a lot of Protein and whilst there they have found some problem in my blood and referred me to Haematology ! Just hope the three aren't related !! I have had problems with my Kidneys before, I am on immunosuppressive drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis and it had been due to them 

    i have an appointment with Renal on Wednesday and still waiting for Gynaecology but was only referred on Tuesday. 
    Thank you for replying and fingers crossed they 

  • My GP did say it is reassuring that I have had a recent smear. Thanks for you reply and I will let you know once I know xx

  • I'm sorry to hear this. Hope the outcome is ok for you   Xx

  • Hi Tillie,


    have you had any update on this? I very recently started getting discomfort and bleeding during sex and was told during my pelvic exam that my cervix is inflamed. I've also been referred to a gyno but of course am similar to you and extremely worried. I'm 25 and this was my first exam. 

  • Hi yes I had a biopsy taken from my Uterus in May and results came back negative. So no explanation for the bleeding. I hope you have seen a Doctor and you get the same result as me. Good luck xx

  • Hi there,


    did you hear back on this? I've just had the same response from my doctor today and now have to wait 2 weeks for the gynaecologist appointment. As you were, I'm feeling quite worried.



  • Hi Holly, 


    I had my appointment with the most lovely nurse who had a look and straight away could tell me it wasn't anything sinister. She did another smear and a biopsy just to be on the safe side as she could see I had some abnormal cells (they weirdly put some kind of vinegar up there and abnormal shows show up as white dots on the light) biopsy wasn't painful just some cramping so don't worry about that! 

    She then told me I have cervical ectropion which isn't dangerous or anything I'll just bleed every so often (haven't done since) and I need a smear every year to keep an eye on the cells but even if they get worse they can just scrape them off! 


    I know it's so much easier said than done because I was a psychotic mess when I was going through it! GP's are rubbish and literally have no idea what they're talking about but have to be cautious with these things :) 


    Let me know how it goes! Fingers crossed for you. 


    Ellie x