Worry about freckle on top of wrist


I visited my doctors today to get a small freckle on my wrist checked out. About 2 months ago, around Christmas, I noticed this freckle had a little black edge forming on it. This freckle is tiny, hardly even 2mm big and the black bit is 1mm. The shape or colour has not changed in any way in 2 months as well but I did the right thing and got it checked out anyway and the doctor said he believes it may be melanoma after looking at it closely under some gadget he had, this hit me quite hard as I am only 26 and have always been very healthy, hardly had any sun exposure and have no family history of this. I am currently awaiting a call to book my derma appointment to get it checked out.

I am an awful worrier, always thinking the worst thing will happen to me, I am trying to help myself by telling myself it's only tiny, it wouldn't have spread, it might not even be melanoma etc but can't help but think about it every hour. 

I recently got a cellular apple watch 2 months before this appeared, should have listened to the risks of wearing something with cellular capabilities so close to my wrist and on top of this freckle!

I guess I'm looking for reassurance and if anyone else has this problem.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.


  • Hi Gibbs,

    I can understand your worry but the the thing to focus on is that the freckle/mole is very small & it only appeared recently. Leaving it since December won't have made it worse because the size of it is probably an indication as to it's depth as this is the important thing. I left mine for a year & it still turned out to be early stage. 

    You don't have long to go until your appointment so that's good. If the dermatologist, looking at it with the dermascope, is unsure about it, don't be surprised if they suggest it be removed for a biopsy. This is the only way you can get a 100% result. The dermascope is a great piece of kit - it shows any unusual cell activity in the mole/freckle but it still can't say if it's cancerous. My consultant recently used it on a lesion I've had for several years & he thought it was a basal cell carcinoma. At biopsy it was found to be a dermatafibroma - a benign insect bite! So a biopsy doesn't always mean a bad result!

    I wouldn't worry about wearing your cellular watch over your freckle - melanoma is not caused that way, only by UV damage or a genetic pre-disposition to it.

    So don't beat yourself up thinking you caused it or you've left it late to be dealt with because you haven't. Focus on the fact that 75% of patients referred to dermatology are given a clean bill of health - and if it should be melanoma, you have caught it early & it should be easily treatable with surgical removal.

    Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi Angie,

    Thank you so much for your message, some very reassuring words which really helped me the past week also apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

    I have just returned from my appointment and the doctor looked at it under the scope and explained it was a "grey area" and wasn't sure what it could be. So he explained as you said above that it needed a biopsy. Due to the current corona situation they wanted to get me done and dusted so managed to fit me in straight away for the biopsy since it was so small.

    Two very helpful ladies carried out the removal and said I would hear the result in 4 weeks. This will be a phone call due to the current corona situation.

    I'm very glad it's gone now but will be awaiting the results eagerly to rule out anything serious.

    Thanks again for your message, hope you are well.


  • Hi,

    I'm so pleased that they managed to remove it straight away as this will lessen any anxiety. I hope that the results bring good news. Please let us know how you get on,


  • Hi Angie,

    Just had a call from the Consultant a day earlier than expected.

    Good news, nothing to worry about. He said it did look strange under the microscope according to the Pathologists but nothing to be at all worried about. I did ask why it happened, didn't really get an answer, something genetic related maybe and perhaps if it was left for 5/10 years it could of changed to something worse but that is just speculation.

    Very pleased with the result and incredibly impressed with our NHS and how they handled it. 

    All the best and take care.


  • Hi Ryan,

    I'm so pleased to hear that the results brought good news. 

    Take care,
