Worry about freckle on top of wrist


I visited my doctors today to get a small freckle on my wrist checked out. About 2 months ago, around Christmas, I noticed this freckle had a little black edge forming on it. This freckle is tiny, hardly even 2mm big and the black bit is 1mm. The shape or colour has not changed in any way in 2 months as well but I did the right thing and got it checked out anyway and the doctor said he believes it may be melanoma after looking at it closely under some gadget he had, this hit me quite hard as I am only 26 and have always been very healthy, hardly had any sun exposure and have no family history of this. I am currently awaiting a call to book my derma appointment to get it checked out.

I am an awful worrier, always thinking the worst thing will happen to me, I am trying to help myself by telling myself it's only tiny, it wouldn't have spread, it might not even be melanoma etc but can't help but think about it every hour. 

I recently got a cellular apple watch 2 months before this appeared, should have listened to the risks of wearing something with cellular capabilities so close to my wrist and on top of this freckle!

I guess I'm looking for reassurance and if anyone else has this problem.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.


  • Hi Gibbs,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and I'm sorry to read about your worries. You of course did the right thing getting it checked out and it's good to hear you have an upcoming appointment to find out more.

    As you say, nothing is certain yet. In this stage it can be good to keep yourself busy and distracted to keep your mind off it, although I know this isn't always easy.

    I'm sure there will be others here who have been through something similar, so hopefully they'll be along soon - or otherwise do feel free to browse or search the forum for relevant discussions.

    Wishing you all the best and I hope you're able to find out more soon,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Gibbs 

    I've had a few scares with moles so I totally sympathise. The good thing is it's only 2mm so if there is anything going on it was caught early. You did the right thing getting it checked. It may be nothing at all. I've sworn multiple moles of mine have changed or look suspicious and the dermatologist said they were fine so you never know 

  • Hi Sparkles84,

    Thank you for your message. It was very reassuring to see your message, I now have my derma appointment booked, only 9 days away. I'm doing my best to keep distracted and am feeling better in myself now.

    I'm hoping I get the same news it sounds like you did, that I've been worrying over nothing haha!



  • Ryan

    You've done all you can and you got this mole investigated pretty quickly so good on you. I've known people that let a mole grow bigger and they ignored the signs it was changing. Yours is small so that's a another positive. The good thing about moles is we can see them and know when they are going bad so they can be caught in time 

  • Hi Sparkles84,

    Thanks again for the response. The thing I'm kicking myself most about is not going when I first noticed it in December! But doing my best not to dwell on past mistakes and try and learn. 

    Thanks again for the reassurance, it means a lot.


  • I'm here for a different reason and looking at a really bad diagnosis. I'm kicking myself for ignoring the signs. It's only March now so not a lot could happen. Has the mole grown at all or just changed appearance? 

  • I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best news possible from your results! My fingers are crossed for you.

    It has stayed exactly the same for 3 months (since I first noticed it). It really is tiny, the doctor said "looking at it from afar you barely even notice". I originally thought it was an ingrown hair, since i plucked the hair then wore my apple watch tight over it daily. I'm hoping this may still be the case.

  • Thank you so much! Well that sounds encouraging. Melanoma is aggressive by nature so in 3 months I'd expect it to at least have gotten a bit bigger or changed shape. If there is anything going on I really do think it's very early stages. A lot can change in 3 months and you're saying nothing has which is really good. I'm not a dr so I dont know for sure but I've known people with melanoma and it was usually very obvious they had it because the mole was evolving over time. 

  • Yeah it is very strange. Thank you for the infomration, its down to earth, realistic information like that google just doesn't provide (I've stopped looking at google now to be fair)!

    It has stayed exactly the same which is what I thought was strange too. Hopefully it is nothing as its looking like :)