4 days post tongue biopsy

Hi All, 

I had a small lump appear couple of months ago on my tongue it was slightly Painful and gradually got harder to eat, went to GP who referred to ENT, They took a tongue biopsy under LA and 4 stitches. Tongue seems to be healing ok I have prescription mouth wash and do salty warm water rinses, but my left tonsil since biopsy has really flarred up and is sharp and scratchy causing even more pain when eating which together with the tongue healing is difficult. Has anyone else experienced Inflammed sore tonsils as a side effect to the biopsy? And if so how long until it calmed down. Results appointment on Friday 13th as well, Thanks Beck's 

  • Hi Becks

    Glad to read your healing well.

    I cant say Ive heard anyone say biopsy affected tonsil. Perhaps being the time of year for viruses and infections youve been unlucky to catch one.

    I had a cracking bad throat infection and thats how i came across my tongue tumour so my sore throat was a blessing in disguise as it wasnt going to be found until much later.

    The warm salty rinses will help rid any bacteria in your throat if you gargle with it. Also gargle with dispersable paracetamol before eating might make eating less painful.If it persists maybe seeing your gp.

    The 13th must feel a long way away but keep busy and try not to fret also stay away from Dr google.

    I hope you get good news when you get results fingers crossed for you xx