Smear test results

Hi Ive just received my smear test results after 12 weeks of waiting. (Stupid me thought because I was waiting for so long that I was ok) 


they have come back positive for HPV and high grade (moderate) dyskaryosis. I'm absolutely terrified I have an appointment for a colposcopy on Friday 6th March. 

I'm not worried about the procedure. I'm worried about having to wait for more results and the outcome of those. Also worried that any of this may affect my chances to have children in the future as myself and partner were going to try this year. 

If anyone who is in the same situation could give me some advice to put my mind at ease I would be so grateful. Xxx

  • Hi,

    Firstly please don't worry it doesn't mean you have cancer it just means that there are some cells that have been detected that have the potential to turn into cancer in years to come. From what I understand that the rate in which the cells change is slow. 

    I had an abnormal smear test in October last year and I immediately panicked and thought the worst. I had low grade cell changes and was positive for HPV. Fortunately I was able to get a cancellation at the colposcopy clinic where they took a punch biopsy. The doctor who did the procedure said there were a few areas of cell changes and I believe about 4 biopsies were taken. The results came back a short time later and they confirmed what the smear had detected, low grade cell changes. They told me I didn't need to go back to the clinic and to get a repeat smear in 12 months!

    Feel free to message if I can help in any way as I completely understand trying not to worry is easier said than done! 

  • Hi Starbust19,


    Thank you for your response, it has eased me a little. Yes it was just such a shock as it was my first smear and as the results had taken so long I naively just thought everything was ok. I hope too this is the outcome fore me.
