Lump in nose

Hi all,

My mother went to ENT because of blocked ear and hearing loss (one side only), the doc said it was glue ear (unusual cos this is usually a thing kids get but adults can apparently get it rarely too), after this he did camera up nose to check further and found a lump in the nose. Apparently we all have 2 lumps in the nose but with my mum one side is slightly larger or something. I'm not sure where abouts in the nose the lump is but he ordered an MRI and biopsy and the MRI has come through already.

I'm worried sick it's cancer-doc never mentioned cancer or what it could be but the fact he ordered MRI and biopsy and MRI came through so quickly has me really worried. She has no other symptoms except the ear thing-but the glue ear is not supposed to be connected to the nose lump I don't think but now I'm thinking all sorts of things like cancer and that's caused the ear problem.

I know I should just wait for the results of the MRI but I'm so worried I just need some advice on what this could possibly be and I've been googling and all malignant cancer posibilities don't sound like they have a very good prognosis. I mean the doc wouldn't be ordering an MRI AND biopsy if he didn't think cancer would he?

  • Hi I am currently waiting for an urgent referral to ENT for a bleeding lump in my nose.  I have had one sided congestion for months, with post nasal drip  but put it down to a virus or something.  I saw my GP yesterday and he is really  concerned anout it.  I am going mad with worry, googling nasal cancer, which is rare, but I do have the classic symptoms.  I was due to go on holiday on 9 March but he said that it needs urgent attention.  Nasal cancer is very rare and there are not many posts on here about it.  I hope that your Mum's test results come back negative but please do let us know how she gets on.  

  • I went to the doctor as I had a blocked nose on one side and a nasal drip. It turned out to be a mass called an inverted papilloma, which had to be removed as it can turn cancerous. I have had 8 surgeries on this as it kept returning but fortunely I haven't needed any further ops over the last few years. All the best with your appts etc and hopefully it'll turnout to be something benign. 

  • Thank you Mary for your reply, I am so glad that you have been op free for a long time now.  I have read about terrible facial difigurment after surgery and this terrifies me.  How was your inverted papilloma diagnosed and what treatment did you have, if you don't mind me asking?

  • I went to see the ENT and then had a CT Scan it was diagnosed after removal when it had been to histology, I have had various surgeries, mostly through my nose. I had 2 via a small incision next to my eye as the tumour was coming from my frontal sinus. The scar is hardly visible now fortunately. 

  • Thank you Mary, I have been working myself up into a terrible state, thinking the worst.  I got a call today, my appointment with the Consultant is next Monday, counting the days, I wish that it was tomorrow. 

  • Hi I know how you feel it's so worrying. Yes I read nasal cancer is rare, but I automatically think cancer whenever there is a lump or anything wrong with my family-she's already beaten bowel cancer and I have lost other family to cancer. It's the one thing I think anytime something is wrong. I'd worried myself sick over the ear symptoms but then from what I read it didn't seem to be anything that could be that serious, but now after finding this lump I'm super worried again...well I guess if it does turn out to be cancer at least it's been found in the earliest stages by sheer luck before she had any symptoms (assuming the glue ear is not connected).

    I really hope yours turns out to be something other than cancer too, I really know very little about this type of cancer or what else it could be and don't really know what the doc found exactly, but I will let you guys know the results.

    Mary-thanks for writing about your experiences, 8 surgeries wow that is a lot, so glad all ok for you now.

  • I suffer from health  anxiety about myself and those that I care about,  I am quite rational in all other aspects in life but have lost loved ones from unusual illness and cancer and I think that this is the cause. So I can empathis with your worry.  I am just existing until I see the Consultant on Monday.  When does your Mum have her appointment for the results, is she as worried as you?  Do let us know the outcome, there are virtually no posts about this sort of condition and I think that sharing is a great way of helping people going through similar circumstances. 

  • Hi yeh me too, I'm a late baby and have already lost my dad to cancer coming up to 9 years ago, I know all about worry! Sorry you have had losses too-it's really hard not to worry at every little thing especially when your family get to a certain age. I'm not sure how mum feels she's always really positive and in a way blase about how serious anything could be so it's hard to know. I don't know when she will get the results she has the scan tomorrow and then waiting for biopsy date to come through.

    I can totally understand how you feel the waiting is terrible, hope everything goes well on Monday for you, such a worrying time, let us know what they say. My nan recently had a biopsy on her foot which her doc thought was cancer but turned out not to be so hopefully this is the same, I really don't know what the doc is thinking it could be-we didn't really ask him to elaborate, I guess they don't like to as don't want to cause you unneccessary worry but I'm very worried right now anyway! Suppose it is better to have an overprecautious doctor to fingers crossed rule cancer out. 

  • Hi, glad to hear your Nan's foot is fine.  In 2018 I had a swelling on my neck, urgent cancer referral, after tests all clear, phew.  Last Summer, lump in right armpit, worried about it for weeks, eventually went to GP, I hate going to the doctor.  Again 2 week urgent cancer referral, surprisingly, after tests lump nothing to worry about, breast on that side fine but suspicious calcification on the other breast requiring a biopsy. Thankfully biopsy results came back ok, but here I am six months later with another crisis!  Your Mum is so lucky with her mindset, are you going with her?  Wishing the very best for tomorrow, and I will keep in touch. 

  • Hi wow you have had some worry there what a relief all clear though that's fantastic, hopefully this latest one will be the same. You find a lump and automatically think cancer I know I'm the same. There are so many things something could be, my nans turned out to be a broken artery or vain or something never would've guessed that so lots of lumps can be non-cancerous I guess the docs even don't really know until they biopsy it. I'm not going to the scan but will have to drive her to get biopsy as she's having general aneasthetic for that whilst they sort her ear out at the same time I think (they have to put something in to drain the ear). So she wont be able to drive I don't think.