Dent in breast and feels like a hole?!

Hi, I'm hoping I can find someone with similar issues as mine as I'm driving myself crazy! A few months ago I noticed a tiny dent in my breast, right under my nipple on the areola. Last weekend I caught sight of it in the mirror and i think it has gotten slightly bigger so I went to gp who has referred me for urgent 2 week appointment. I know how all of this goes as my sister has metastatic breast cancer in her bones and I was there from when she was diagnosed, through chemotherapy etc. Part of me feels that surely a family can't be so unlucky to have two sisters diagnosed within 5 years but I don't suppose cancer really cares who it targets! My main curiosity is that when I push the dent I can almost feel a hole, as though there is missing tissue. I can't find anything about this online , good or bad so I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this. 

  • Hi LBowes and welcome to the forum.

    I know you were looking to chat with others so I just wanted to put you in touch with [@Hayley31]‍. She has recently discovered a lump and indent in her breast and has her appointment tomorrow so hopefully she'll pop by soon for a chat and you can support each other through this process.

    Fingers crossed everything will be o.k for the both of you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Hi, mine is a bit different, doesnt feel like a hole. I went to the GP with a fairly big lump (long and hard rather than round). I've since noticed an indentation further down so it looks like a long vertical line down the outside of my breast. I can see it in the mirror from the other side of the room :(


    I have my hospital appt tomorrow as I decided to make use of the bupa we have through my other half's work.

    Do you have a date for your appt yet? It is the indent that is freaking me out more than the lump x

  • Hi Hayley,

    Sorry you are going through this aswell. Fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow and that you get the all clear.

    ive been through this whole process with my sister when she was diagnosed but she didn't have any indentations so I'm swinging from thinking it's nothing to thinking the worst. The waiting part is awful , I just want an answer one way or another. Good luck for tomorrow xx

  • Hi


    I had my hosp appt today. She could instantly see the issue without even touching me, had an ultrasound that came back clear.


    She then did a biopsy so I've to go back for results next week. But she said based on the ultrasound she really isn't worried and is just doing the biopsy to be 100% sure. Assured me she would tell me the truth if she thought there was anything to worry about.


    No idea what the indentation is, but she said it can be quite a few things and not necessarily cancer (which is not an answer I could find on google!). She thought mine might be Mondor disease but the ultrasound ruled that out.


    Do you have an appointment date yet? X

  • Hi,

    That's brilliant news! Thanks so much for letting me know how it went. Hopefully you get the all clear soon.

    I have my appointment next tuesday (3rd). It's the waiting that's killing me but it's reassuring to know that there are other causes for indentations so thank you again for that! 


  • Cant even tell you not to worry because I know exactly how impossible that is. But I really hope it's good news for you too, let me know how you get on x

  • Hi, I to know what you're saying, as mine are the same, now iv'e have over years biopsy, but that was on top of breast, iv'e had examinations x2, and x3 mamogramms, i'm all clear but still worry.

    My lady GPx2 and my male GP have examined me with nothing to say other than, over stretched.

    Now I don't know if it relates to you, but mine are on both breasts underneath and having really large Areolas, I can see in the mirror. It does feel like something is missing, but no lumps.

    Good Luck hunny take care stay safe. xx

  • Hi [@Lbowes80]‍ I too have a small indentation on my areola. It appeared a few weeks ago and my nipple was sunken in too when I first noticed it. However now I can just see the dent and there is slight pain deep under the area when I try to feel for any lumps. 

    I was seen by the doctor today who is referring me to the breast clinic. I was wondering how you got on? 

  • Hi @clare92 and @lbowes80 I rang my GP about 10 days , as I have a very noticeable indent on the bottom of my right breast , my nipple is turned down ward too. She contacted  our local Breast care clinic, they rang me within 3 days and I've  an appointment  this Saturday 8/8 at 10am. I lost my mum to Breast cancer 30 years ago , she was 43 and my Aunt 20 years ago. So I'm  just a little anxious, Hope your appointments  went well