Hi all,
I'm in an awful mess.....always had regular periods and had a clear smear in 2016 and a clear smear less than 12 months ago. I am 29 years old. Just before christmas my periods started getting heavier and then in January instead of stopping, my period trailled off into pink continual spotting and watery discharge before starting my next period two weeks ago. So that would be a month of continual bleeding of some kind.
I rang my GP two weeks ago who booked me in for swabs and bloods and he wanted my Ca125 level checking. I suffer from PTSD since my 3 year old was born very prematurely and was on the cusps of life for some time. When my Dr mentioned Ca125 my anxiety went into overdrive and I'm now feeling very unwell with it - not sleeping or eating at all.
I went for swabs and bloods one week ago - when the nurse was swabbing she said that my cervix was bleeding on contact and would like the GP to have a look at it. I thought this would happen there and then but was given another appointment and sent home. All bloods have returned normal, Ca125 is normal and swabs are normal.
I saw my GP on Thursday who said that my cervix has a few red spots on it - by spots I'm not sure if she means red areas, red growths or red pimples. It didn't bleed on contact and today I'm a week free of bleeding at all.
The GP said she's never seen anything like it and has referred me for a colposcopy to be "safe". Really panicking as it's all happened very quickly and my colposcopy is now tomorrow afternoon.
I'm now that anxious that I'm being sick, I can't drive to work etc etc. I must note that I'm in a same sex marriage and I didn't carry our child. I haven't been on birth control for many years and I'm obviously free from STD's and HPV.
I'm fearing the worst - can't help it!