Cervical screening test delay

Just found this forum.  I had my smear test 11 weeks ago and at the time was told results would be at least two months.  On two months I  was then told the results would not be until round about the 14th February and then not a guaranteed date.  So now approaching 3 months and I am thinking what a terrible service this is for myself and many other people.

In the meantime I have recieved a letter with no contact details from NHS Cancer Support (or similar ,  letter not to hand at the moment) telling me since I was invited to have a smear test I have not done so !!! . Tried to make contact with them and was an automated service saying they could not discuss smear tests due to data protection etc and to contact my GP, this letter was dated the 7th February 2020 and stated it had been sent on behalf of my GP. My smear test was done on the 22nd November 2019.

Contacted the surgery and was told disregard the letter we know you have had your smear test done and are just waiting for the results.  Ok but what if my smear test sample has been lost in the system so to speak ??

You would think that with all the campaigns to get these tests carried out that the service would be better.



  • Had my test 25 November 2019 with no mention of delays, told result would be 2-3 weeks, then told Christmas post was holding it up. Have called surgery several times in last few weeks. They only admitted last week that there were delays of November results due to a change of lab but it seems from web chat that this problem has been well documented and was foreseen months ago. So why fob people off? It just causes anxiety, especially if you have had low grade positive results in the past, and makes you worry that your sample has been lost at the very least.

    I had the same letter from NHS on behalf of my GP saying I hadn't even been for test yet dated 28th January 2020.

    Week 11 this Monday coming, and when I spoke to surgery about the letter on 31st January I was told I would get a call back by the end of last week with a result but nothing.

    No wonder people are put off from having the test.

  • Sorry to read you are in a similar situation but in the space of time it is taking to get results things could be in a really dire state without people knowing.  And should this be the case could any tests or treatment be to late to be of any help. It is quite scary really. I try not to let my mind run away with me but you do read these not so good things in the media from time to time....take care. Thank you for the reply.

  • Hello , Just wondering if you have been made aware of your test results yet ?? My surgery said I would be written to at the same time as they would be written to. Still waiting .

  • I was ment to have cervical screening 3 weeks to a month ago I rang my doctor to be booked in and she said that I can't have it done because of covid 19, is it something I should be worried about

  • [@Karenc88]‍ 

    I had a letter through about a week ago for my smear and I got an appointment straight away. They should allow you in for your smear test. I would call up and try again if it's something your worried about.