Lymph nodes that won’t go away!

Hi everyone, I'm new here! I have always read forums etc but finally decided to make an account and put my own story down! Months ago I noticed my jaw felt tender underneath I then noticed a lump and a pea size lump where if I was a man right next to my Adam's apple would be. I went to my GP had two rounds of antibiotics as I had white spots on my tonsils too and all is still swollen and spots still there. Bloods are okay, and a swab of my throat came back normal! My doctor sent me off for a scan last week and since I've found another lymph node in my throat and one in my armpit. They have all started since before Christmas and I have had on and off a runny nose/sore throat come and goes and now I have a coughleft arm should and neck pain. 

I get warm at night and have done since the birth of my son in December 2018! He's breastfed and he's slept through once so I've never really had a decent night sleep I guess it may be taking a toll on my immune system. 

my doctors said "lymph nodes are normal to be raised" this just seems odd. I'm a new patient there and I have health anxiety due to misdiagnosis of sepsis and penomonua when I was 16 (now 24) which lead to me becoming partially deaf. I feel like my family think I over worry and of course now I hve my son I'm terrified of anything bad happening! 

I am waiting on my scan which seems to be taking ages to come through, how long does this normally take ?

also is my doctor right in saying lymph nodes swell and that's that!? I've seen many threads on here saying bloods were normal only to receive the worse news a few months later 

thanks for reading - Becky xx

  • Hi @Becksxxx - couple of things first of all there is another lady posting similar age to you I think - Rach2425? - she's in this "waiting for a diagnosis" bit - she has similar symptoms. So do I, but I am much older and my bloods werent normal at all, so I've been having  endoscopy and colonoscopy and now seeing a consultant about a lump on my jaw although not the same place as yours.  I've had all this done on the 2 week pathway, suspected cancer referrals,waiting to hear results of a biopsy and new all the bloods done again.

    I have awful pain in and around my armpits - given that all this started exactly the same time I would be amazed if it was just a coincidence.


    What scan did you have?

  • Hi sorry I haven't logged in since I posted! I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms you are experiencing I hope you get some answers soon. I have ended up in more of a state as my collarbone lymph node on the left is swollen too and I've searched I think every page on google possible and that's not a good looking sign! I haven't told my doctor yet though I planned to Friday but had to take my son to A&e as he hurt his wrist so hoping to see someone tomorrow. I feel so terrified and guilty as I have a one year old and he is such a mummy's boy and the thought of him growing up and missing it all makes me cry and feel so sick! I haven't had any scans yet just got a neck ultrasound Wednesday! I want to go but don't at the same time it's crazy!!


    thanks for replying xx

  • Hi Becksxxx that ultrasound sounds like it might give you some answers will you post again when you have the results?


    I've got to have a scan of my jaw - they call it a cone beam scan its like a dental CT scan, but not till 12th March. 

  • Hi MrsElephant,


    I hope you are well, I saw your reply on this thread and wondered if you had your scan? I have two lumps on my jaw that feel hard and fixed to me, I've recently had an ultrasound which didn't show anything suspicious only reactive nodes but I'm worried the nodes feel hard and fixed, would you mind telling me what your lumps are like please?

    kind regards