Stressed waiting for ultrasound - suspect ovaries

Hi, I am new to this forum but have been reading some others posts about similar issues which has been helping. 


I have been having a long wait which is making me very anxious about what could be going on.

I started with feeling nauseous every day and being sick every few days whilst my bloating got worse. The bloating is now constant but does get worse through the day but the nausea and vomiting have stopped.  Occasionally I will get some dull soreness in the lower abdomen. Unfortunately I was moving house by the time I could see a doctor. She wanted me to have a CT scan within 2 weeks, but with the change of address they had to refer me to the new doctors who took 6 weeks to get an upper abdominal ultrasound. This didn't show anything and general blood tests have come back ok. They haven't done CA125 but do not seem concerned at all which is bothering me, even though the bloating is now 3 months. I am 28 and I am going to pay for a private gynaecological ultrasound. I do also get breakthrough bleeding even now that I have come off the pill. 


Did anyone else have symptoms similar to this and what the result was?


I also forgot to say I have been a lot more tired than usual and also get the urge to wee come on more suddenly as well. I lost a few kgs and don’t often feel hungry, but unsure if this is because of stress and not going to the gym with not feeling quite right. 


Thank you in advance for any replies

  • Hi saerenae,

    I'm sorry to read about how you're feeling at the moment, although I can understand this as the uncertainty must be unsettling.

    I would suggest trying to trust your doctor, although if you're paying for an additional appointment then hopefully that will give further answers or peace of mind.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator