Throat biopsy


I'm looking for some real life experience to try and understand what possibilities my husband is facing.

So the story

About 6 months ago my husband went to doctors for sore throat, 8 weeks later and 3 lots or antibiotics he was referred to ent. 

Ent initial investigation thought it was acid reflux, however after a cause of treatment the consultant ordered a ct scan. We had the scan and appointment with consultant, who advised that the scan identified a swollen area in the throat and wanted to do a biopsy.

We now have to wait another 3 weeks for a biopsy and a further 2 weeks for an appointment for the result.

I am going mad with worry, he is only 42 and we have two young girls. Having lost both my parents to cancer, I'm generally thinking the worse.

The consultant has said he doesnt think its anything scary but has not given us any other inclination of what it could be.

What I'm struggling to understand, is how much would have been able to tell from ct scan.

I also have used the dreaded google and can't find any other possible explanations.

Just wondering if there are people with similar stories  (good and bad)


  • Hello SCPhill

    Welcome to the forum and I'm sorry to hear about the problem that your husband has had recently. It's understandable that you're feeling worried but try to keep hold of the fact that your husband's consultant has said that, based on the results from the tests he has had so far and the many years of experience that the Dr has, he doesn't think it's anything scary.

    Please give Dr Google a wide berth! There is a lot of  inaccurate and unhelpful information on the internet which will nearly always lead to the worst case scenario without giving you answers about what is causing your husband's problem. What it will do is make you both feel much more anxious about everything. 

    We do have a number of members here who will have been through similar tests to your husband and have had different outcomes. I hope that some of them will pop by to offer you both some reassurance and share their experiences. 

    If you'd like to talk through your concerns with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator