Post menopause blood spotting

Post menopausal blood spotting / Vagifem 

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has been through the symptoms I've been having and had a clear biopsy result or not ?

i have not had periods for over 3 years and a few weeks ago had probs with my bowels and some bleeding which was from a fissure... which seems to have healed, I still have problems though and went to see the doc, I jokingly said that my vagina was now competing by my wiping bright red blood there too and he reacted quickly saying that should not happen, examined me and sent me to see gynaecologist. He did a vaginal scan and then a hysteroscopy and removed a tiny polyp. The biopsy has been sent off and it's now been a week.

im still wiping a bit of fresh red blood a couple of times a day and have a pinky or light brown bit of discharge. I'm now noticing a bit of a whiff (and I'm a very clean person ! and not having sex at all) think perhaps I may have a little infection starting, from the messing around up there and removal of the polyp.

i was on Vagifem pessaries (twice weekly) I stopped them myself when I was waiting to see gynea.. he said to start them again whilst waiting for biopsy results... I put one up after not having blood for two days but then it came back, so I've made the decision myself to not put any more up... trouble is, I'm now thinking he could've wanted me to use them to protect against possible infection.... so maybe it's my fault stopping them and I should use them again... I'm feeling drier and a little sore already (as I did all the time before Vagifem)

anyone else had anything similar ?

be very grateful to know....

will also post biopsy results incase that helps anyone else out there later on too...

JUST BEEN told have to wait up to SIX WEEKS for biopsy results as labs SO busy !!!

AND found out Ive got an infection from having internal and polyp cut off in the chair in room where not sterile etc. So now on v. strong anti biotics - hey ho !!!

Hope to hear from anyone similar ?

thanks girls xxx

  • Hello, 

    Poor you you are certainly having to deal with a lot of things at the same time with to top it all that infection from the internal polyp. I hope the antibiotics work fast for this.  

    I hope you won't have to wait too long for your biopsy results. I can imagine it must be a very stressful time for you while waiting for these important results and 6 weeks can indeed feel like a very long time to have to wait. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to post actual medical reports on the forum but you can share in your own words what the results show. I hope that you will meet others here who have been in a similar situation and that they will share their experience with you.

    I know it is really hard but try not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be. The best thing to do to avoid thinking too much about this is to keep busy and distracted if you can and avoid looking things up online. I can imagine it is hard for you to do this at the moment but it will help you feel a little less anxious. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been through all this before and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks so much for your lovely reply.

    I got in touch with my consultants secretary and she has told me I will probably be able to get my results by phoning her on Monday ! So then it'll be good news ( I know !!) and all done ! 
    Thank you again x

  • Hi

    After not having a period for 18 months I had a bit of spotting. Had an ultrasound and found my uterus lining looked thickened.

    A few days later I had a 'normal' period lasting a week.

    Massive worry as I have bowel cancer history. Had biopsies taken that came back ok, then had to go in for camera and more biopsies just to be 100% sure under GA.

    All came back fine, massive relief.

    I went for my appointment and was told they have to fully investigate but this is quite common during the menopause for the ovaries to kick up again for one last go.

    Hope you get your results soon and it's good news. x

  • Thanks so much for getting in touch. Yes I think it was a hormonal thing rather than anything worrying, perhaps it was even the polyp responsible for the bleeding! Sad I had to get a blooming infection from having things done as the anti biotics are strong and make me feel awful but this is nothing compared to others who have far bigger probs and Im so so glad anti bios are there to help.

    ive got bowel cancer in the family too and was born with a bit of a problem there but didnt think the two were related... I actually webt to the doctors initially to try to sirt out blood spotting from that end and changes there.. but soon as ai mentioned the vaginal blood spotting he went with that and didnt mentionnthe other side... so anyway, I dont think I have a big problem as its hardly any blood at all.. not at all like a period ( been so many years cant remember thise thank goodness thanks so much again for your story and thoughts. All the very best to you xxx