Burning feeling in left breast and lump

Hey all, 


so since the beginning of the week I've noticed a sharp burning feeling in my left breast around nipple area. I went to the doctors yesterday who examined my breast and although she said they look normal she can feel a lump. 

in only 27 years old she's referred me to the hospital which is on next Thursday. Obviously I'm going out of my mind with worry and I'm expecting the absolute worst. 

I had no idea I had a lump until she told me. 

Has anyone else has a similar thing? The burning? I notice it more if I lean in it during sleep it wakes me up with the pain of burning. 

I guess I'm just massively petrified at the moment. 

  • Hello Laura896 and welcome to the forum. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been referred to breast clinic. We know that lots of ladies here will understand how worrying the wait for that first appointment can be and I hope that some of them will be along to share their experiences with you soon. 

    Breast pain is very common in women of all ages and having painful, sore or tender breasts can cause a lot of anxiety. But on its own, pain in the breasts isn't usually a sign of breast cancer. I know that your GP has found a small lump; try and keep in mind that the majority of women who are seen at breast clinic don't go on to be diagnosed with cancer. 

    You might find it helpful to talk to one of our nurses before your appointment on Thursday. I'm sure that they will be able to give you some information and support. They're available on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 

    Keep in touch Laura and let us know how you get on at your appointment. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you so much for your reply! 
    its definitely made me feel more at ease. 

    I might make a call on Monday.

    ill deffo let you know how I get on! X 

  • Hi Laura how are you I can relate to the worry and anxiety. I am waiting for results. It's good you are getting seen at the breast clinic. When I went to the clinic the nurses and doctors were amazing they put you at ease. I was nervous but glad I was getting closer to finding out what the lump is and getting some answers. They believe that my lump is benign. But because of my age 47 they did a biopsy to double check what it is. It is good they are being thorough. I hope all goes well at the clinic on Thursday let us know how you get on thinking of you Lesley 

  • Hi Laura, 

    sorry to hear about that. 
    My situation was have lumps & painful both sides. I saw doctor on 16/12 and they referred to hospital and give me appointment 24/12.

    I tried calling to get early appointment as possible but couldn't then I went to private hospital to do untrasound and mammogram and found that lump was suspicious malignant. I came back hospital to did biopsy on 24/12 and have to waiting 4 weeks to get the results .... I mean waiting made me had anxiety attack As I have been emergency A&E 4 times because of couldn't breathe, chest pain, headache, couldn't sleep ... but only I can get is pain relief , anxiety & sleeping tablets .

    And now Iam waiting until next week.

    Think of you x



  • Hi Laura


    Im enquiring how you got on?

    Im suffering the same symptoms and am awaiting referral to the breast clinic.



  • Hello! 

    im so sorry everyone I didn't update you sooner! 

    I just got your notification from your reply in my inbox Alison so thank you for checking up. 

    so everything turned out ok! I had a scan and everything felt and looked normal. I had a suspected infection and was given antibiotics, it cleared out within a week and I haven't had it since. And it's been around 3/4 months now. I was pretty run down and slept a lot with the infection. And still to this day it was the weirdest feeling I've ever had. 

    they were absolutely amazing at the hospital. And made me feel so at ease. I also couldn't believe how many woman of all different ages were at the breast clinic. i wish you all the best Allison! Keep positive and remember most of the time it isn't anything serious! (That's what I was told on many occasions!) 


    please keep us updated xox 

  • Hi I have experienced the same thing a few years ago was so worried but mine was fattie tissue that my body makes but was told I had nothing to worry about hope this helps and good luck 

  • Hi I'm so glad for you I have the same at the moment got to go the hospital next week but so glad for your reassurance hope you stay well got bless you xxx