Hpv positive/high grade dyskaryosis

Hey everybody!

I'm not sure I've posted this to the right section! 

But here goes... 

I am 25 and just got my first smear test results yesterday which came back hpv positive and high grade moderate dyskaryosis. My doctor really worried me as he called me and asked me to sit down (I was at the till in asda, lol) and I said I couldn't, he then told me I need to, which I thought was overly dramatic, he told me the results and said he had done an urgent referral to colposcopy. I got a call today to say my appointment was the 27th January where they would do a lletz procedure. This has really panicked me as I have been back and forth to the doctors none stop since having my daughter when I was 17 with odd symptoms down there, pain or discomfort during and after sex, (no irregular bleeding my periods are like clock work) , back pain, leg pain, migraines so on and so forth, I've always been pushed away and told it was hormonal, contraception related, too young etc etc, I have also been for several smears where they've actually had the speculum and stick and then changed there mind midway and said I couldn't have it done due to the time in my cycle (discharge). Now I'm really worried that when I go to colposcopy I will be diagnosed with cancer or severe cell changes and I know I seem dramatic but I'm just so worried nothing can seem to shake the anxiety, I feel like I should've pushed further with the doctors to refer me to gynae for my issues and even on one occasion I had terrible pain was rushed to hospital and kept in for a few days and told I had suspect appendicitis, I was discharged with no further action, then this past year I have been in and out of hospital with symptoms for lupus, abnormal blood tests to no avail and utis (still not got to the bottom of it) and I can't help but think it's all related it's knocked me sick!

Please give me some positivity I feel at my whits end. I'm scared. 

  • Hi there,

    I've had the same as you, high grade abnormal cells and a lletz procedure. It's not cancer at that stage. They tested mine and no cancer was found.

    The procedure is ok. You may have lots of nurses around you but dont be alarmed. You can hold one of their hands if you need to. 

    The injection they gave me to numb the area made my legs shake and it was slightly uncomfortable but no pain during procedure. 

    I watched them put a dye on my cervix and if it turned a different colour, it meant it needed to be burnt away. Mine was pretty much everywhere but at least they got it all. 

    Take thick sanitary towel with you. Sometimes hospitals ones are uncomfortable. 

    Touch wood, I havent had a bad smear since. 

    I hope you're ok, I was frightened at the time. A lot.of women have this and come out the other side without recurring issues.

    All the best,


  • Thanks so much for your reply Clou, I think I've just over thought absolutely everything, every ache and pain I've ever had, I've already diagnosed myself with the dreaded C word which is just absolutely pathetic and stupid of me. I just really can't satisfy the anxiety at all and my doctor really worked me up it's all stupid really but I can't help it :( 

  • That's ok. It's normal to worry. The good news is, they found something and they're doing something about it :) I'm pleased you've gone for a smear, some people don't so it's important we bite the bullet and get these things done. 

    I hope you're ok, and you can breathe a sigh of relief when it's all over. 


    Ps. You'll prob have more regular smears for a few years. That's normal too. Just wait for a reminder letter as usual x