Reactive lymph nodes following ultrasound



I went to doctors around 8 weeks ago with tender swollen lumps in under arms and a lump on the right side of my neck. I was referred for ultrasound who confirmed they were enlarged reactive lympth nodes. I was put on antibiotics, the under arm tender lumps have since disappeared. However I still have a large lump on my neck which I was told is just reactive but it has not decreased in size six weeks later is this normal? ENT done a camera check down my nose neck and all looked normal. They have discharged me back to GP however I am worried if my neck was reactive why this has not started to decrease and should a biopsy not be done to check? They are saying no but I am really worried. I am 27 and blood work cake back ok with slightly high white blood cell count which they were not concerned about.

  • Hi, Jodie, 

    Like you, I have been aware of my lymph nodes for more than a year. I am 23. I have one in my armpit, two submandibular and a little one on my neck. Those submandibular ones sometimes are increasing size and painful. At the moment, for ex, they are not painful and smaller than usual. I have been through so many tests: blood tests, chest x ray, dentists, surgeons, ultrasounds - neck-breasts-abdominal, dermatologists, gastroscopy, ENT, ob gyn, you name it. Conclusion is, they are normal. Some drs said after ultrasound that they look a bit inflamatory, some said they look normal, but nothing more. It s been more than a year and I have no answers and neither my doctors. I made pace with my mind and I ve accepted the fact that this is my body and they might never go down and probably there is nothing sinistre going on. None of my drs agreed to a biopsy. Only one dentist surgeon said that I might take one out, but that he doesn t think it s smt more creepy going on. The funny part was when one of the surgeons was concerned about how would I look with that incison, and that he doesn t want to ruin my appearance. I was like... Are you serious? So you can imagine that nobody was concerned and I was out of my mind! Little did I care about my incison. Also I have no other symptoms. Sometimes lymph nodes get inflamed and never go down. I don t know what s making those in the armpit to stay inflamed, but ultrasound is a very reliable method of investigation along with blood tests.

    What I would do if I were you: I would repeat the ultrasound maybe in 3-6 months and see what s the situation. That s what I did and for me it worked, now I am at peace. I think we would want our bodies to be perfect and each abnormality or little changes make us worry. The truth is everybody is different and what s normal for me might not be for my brother and so on. My lymphs are normal this way and probably for you they are too!


    Wish you good luck! 

  • Hi,  Jodie. Did you get any answers to this? I am In The exact same position as you... 26 years old, and have had a swollen lymphnode in my neck for 4 months. Bloods came back normal and ultrasound confirmed it as a 'reactive lymph node' but I am still worried sick. I just want to rule out anything else more serious because I cannot relax until I know for certain. I am constantly riddled with anxiety. 

    I really hope you are feeling better. Please let me know any updates x

  • I am in the same situation, normal blood and a few reactive lymph nodes looking normal, the biggest one is 8x3 Mm. They told me it's not a cancer. So I'm looking for an infection now 

  • Hi, exactly the same for me, however I had a few other symptoms....itchy dry eyes, fatigue, joint pains. 
    After 6 years of worry, I have found out it my immune system reacting to my breast implants!!  
    Currently waiting for explant date!

  • Similar symptoms to breast implant illness.  
    I have this!  Immune system reactive to metals. 

  • Hi Jodie sorry this is a very late reply but I am experiencing similar. I noticed 2 lumps in my neck under my chin in October 2020 and went for a ultrasound scan and came back as reactive lymph nodes and nothing to worry about. Since then I've been back for another scan and still just reactive lymph nodes. However I'm very worried as it's coming up to 2 years I've had these lumps in my neck. I'm just wondering if anything has happened with you since or if the lump on your neck has now disappeared? Thanks