Constantly worried about finding a lump

Hi all,

I first want to say that I'm sorry if my post seems insensitive or out of place as I know this platform is for those suffering with illnesses that I cannot even imagine having to deal with, but I couldn't think where else to turn for help.

I'm 17 and about half a year ago my mouth went all funny and had weird bumps and lines running across it, and after several misdiagnosises they told me I have something called lichen planus. Obviously I did the stupid thing of googling it and all I could see was possibilities of it turning into cancer and etc. I was a massive state for about a month thinking the worst every five minutes and couldn't control it and stop crying every single night.

eventually it calmed down a little but ever since then I have had a constant fear of finding a lump or bump in almost every place imaginable. I thought I had a lump in my neck for about a month, and then my back and on my hand. Every time I swear I can feel a bump with either my hand or just general movements, I can still feel something in my throat when I swallow and yet I know there's nothing there!

its been happening like clockwork ever since my ordeal with having lichen planus. Before then I was the complete opposite, hadn't been to the doctors in over 13 years and dealt with everything with a 'it will sort itself out' attitude. I don't have a clue what to do and am constantly worried, and I feel guilty that there are people dealing with it for real and I'm just worrying and obsessing over something that hasn't happened.

if anyone knows what to do please drop me a message, because I'm really worked up about the whole situation 

  • Hey, hope you’re well. I’ve had some lumps in my mouth for a while now and have been constantly worrying about them, doctors keep telling me not to but when they can’t tell me what they actually are it make me feel worse. 

    I think for people like us (that worry about the worst happening) we just need to try and be sensible. If we find something new on our bodies, then get it checked.