2ww Breast Clinic Referral

I've been referred to the breast clinic after I visited my GP because I had found a lump in my breast behind my nipple. I've got no other symptoms and I have no pain with the lump. I wasn't really checking my breasts and I  unintentionally found it, as it's quite deep inside and I had to really press to feel it. My other half could feel it too though and that's when I really started to panic. However I made an appointment and the doctor asked a few questions and had a feel of the lump and confirmed I would need to be referred to the breast clinic as there is a possibility it could be cancer. I was shocked to be honest, I just did not expect it as I am 22 and it doesn't run in my family! 

I still haven't heard from the breast clinic in regards to my appointment but I am so worried and I am struggling sleeping, due to overthinking.

Anyone else's experiences of similar situations or any information would be greatly appreciated! I haven't even had confirmation of what it is and it could be nothing but a benign cyst but I already feel so alone and unaware of any information!! I don't feel it's open enough about these things and even some doctors are so uptight about it and petrified to say the 'C' word! It makes the experience no better!

Thanks for reading xx

  • I can completely understand the worry I have just done a week and half my self, and cried everyday, didnt eat and didnt sleep. I paid to go private and its payable by installments If need be I was seen with 2 days and had an ultra sound to tell me it was inflamed breast tissue.. I really hope everything goes well for you. Xx