What were first symptoms and how long after xray to hear

Hi all

firstly sorry to post I'm not diagnosed only recently been reffered for xray and bloods but been googling (i know that's always a bad thing) and just wanted know what people's first symptoms were please and how long after having xray did you hear from doctors

my symptoms are

cough for 6months + (always been told not to go doctors for a cough so left it until I got more unwell) 

for the last month I haven't been able to eat more than a couple of bites of food, my appetite has completely gone, a few weeks ago I was in size 8s now size 6 clothes are hanging off me, also cough started getting worse by now, lots of rubbish on my chest also throat feels different not sore but feels blocked/swollen like I can't get full breaths 

the last week has been the worst, struggling sleep with the cough now it's constant, worse when I try lie down coughing fits are the worst as with my throat feeling blocked/swollen hard catch my breath in between when it's consistent, muscle aches, hot sweats and cold chills, and started being sick now too sometimes, the last coughing fit literally scared me so bad, I was on my own with my young children and it lasted about 20mins but felt longer as can't breathe properly in between, after that the cold chills were that bad I was physically shaking so hard for well over an hour (might of been a bit of shock too maybe) and then after that was throwing up for a while even though I hadn't eaten that day, I had no energy at all to even move til the next day 

I am a smoker and have been for approx 7/8years on and off (stopped when pregnant with my children) 

I was hoping the doctor would give antibiotics as I'm really struggling with the cough and so scared of having another coughing fit like the last one, I have my daughters birthday party coming up and family funeral in a few days so really wanted just to feel "ok" to get me through them as only had xray done yesterday and they said can be upto a week hear back, doctors wouldn't give me any antibiotics she said she wanted me to have the X-ray/bloods first because of symptoms to rule this out first I'm seeing them again when results are back 

Does anyone know of anything also to help or ease the cough at all for now? 




  • Hi there


    We don't know what the GP has to say but if I were you I would call the receptionist in the morning and say that you need the GP to call you because you are worried. Don't let them fob you off. You are worried about lung cancer and that's a massive worry you could do without for 8 days. plus if it is anything serious then there's no time to waste. 
    Having said that, let's hope it's not that at all. 
    Wish I could say more but you know I can't because I just don't know any more than you. 
    let me know what happens and wishing you every bit of luck and strength. 