2 week dermatologist appointment tomorrow

Hi all,

          I'm just reaching out as I'm feeling very apprehensive about an appointment I have tomorrow for a lesion on my back. I have been referred under the 2 week referral system by my GP to the dermatologist clinic and wondered if anyone had any experience of this?

Kind regards


  • Hi,

     I can understand your trepidation at your appointment tomorrow but I'm sure you will be fine. The dermatologist will examine your mole with a dermascope which will show if there is any unusual cell activity. If they think it needs removing for biopsy they will make an appointment for a later date as a day surgery patient. Hopefully this won't be necessary but don't panic if it's suggested. 75% of patients referred to dermatology get discharged with a clean bill of health so the odds are in your favour.

    Good luck tomorrow and please let us know how you get on.

    Angie (melanoma patient)