Nail cancer

Last year I had thyroid cancer and I had the whole thyroid removed... I noticed a line on my thumb nail well over 5 years ago but never took any notice of it. Think I’m having a second scare it might be nail cancer I have a hospital appointment to see the  dermatologist on the 15th so it’s another waiting game until I’m seen and get results. I know I shouldn’t but keep Searching  on the Internet I did the same before I was Diagnosed with thyroid cancer so it didn’t come as a shock when I found out

Has anyone else on her experienced this pink line with brown like a splinter at the end 

  • Hi DanaR,

    I'm sorry you have a further worry on top of your recent cancer diagnosis. I haven't had any experience of this nail problem but I do have cutaneous (skin) melanoma & I know a little about subungal melanoma from patients who have been diagnosed with it. Subungal melanoma usually presents as a dark (black or brown) line that runs from the cuticle to the end of the nail. It can sometimes present in slightly different ways but this is the main way.

    Nail problems can be caused by different things & if you have had this for 5 years or more then the odds of it being skin cancer is vastly reduced (you would have had other symptoms by now). Subungal melanoma only accounts for 1% of melanoma cases and, of all patients referred to dermatology, 75% are given a clean bill of health, so there is a very good chance that yours is fine. Your GP is correct in referring you as only the experts can tell what this type of problem is but I know it must be worrying..

    Please don't Google this anymore - it's way out of date & gives the worse case scenarios - treatment for melanoma is improving all the time. Good luck at your appointment and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient)

  • I will let you know what they say after my appointment but thank you for getting back to me.