Lymphoma - lump on neck?

Hi All!  

i've been on here a lot recently talking about a lump on my neck. The doctor told me that they were running tests as they were concerned it could be lymphoma. Until this point I've had bloods done twice, visited the ENT, a CT scan and an ultrasound with biopsy. Until ultrasound with biopsy they believe to my lamp to be a solid mass at the ultrasound it was discovered that the liquid felt lamp from which they released 18 mls of liquid. They said the reason they thought it was a solid lump was because of how thick the cystic wall was and how full it was. Until now I can honestly say I've been a pessimist and been preparing for the worst however I was wondering if anyone who has been diagnosed with lymphoma or been through the same thing could shed some light on what the lump actually was? The only person I've spoke to who had lymphoma there lump was a solid mass. Does anyone have a similar experience or know otherwise?




  • Hello 10190809, 

    I just wanted to welcome you to our forum. Wishing you the best of luck with all these tests - you certainly have had quite a number of them and I hope that you will soon learn more about what this all means for you. Unfortunately no one here will be able to tell you what this lump actually is but I hope that you will hear from others who have been diagnosed with lymphoma and that they will talk you through how the diagnosis process went for them in their own personal experience.

    I hope you won't have to wait too long now for your definite results.

    Keeping absolutely everything crossed for you that everything turns out to be fine! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator