My partner black mark on toes

Hello people I hope all of you are ok in mind and body my partner has had 2 marks on each toenail in the exact same place for 2 month as of many of you seen this and thought I could seek some advice e.i. what are the chances of having it on 2 of the same toes etc

  • Hi, I can't offer medical knowledge but I can tell you, I have a black line running down the middle of my big toenail and on my  small toenail of the same foot, I was referred to a consultant dermatologist, and was diagnosed with melanonichia, sorry not sure how to spell it. But any way I was told it was completely benign.and needed no further treatment. I would definately get it checked  by your gp. 


    Hi Neil,

    Welcome to our forum. I am not a doctor, but suspect that what your partner has on both toe nails is simple bruising. This can remain as a black toenail for several months. If this is the case, you should eventually see the new nail beginning to appear at the base of the nail. It can take about 8 months for the nail to grow up and, push the old nail off. Sometimes the loose nail starts to catch on socks and bed linen. If this happens go and see a Podiatrist, who can file the nail down for you.

    If the Podiatrist suspects anything sinister, they will refer your partner to the GP. Bruising quite often occurs on 2 or more toes, usually where there has been pressure or friction, possibly from shoes that are too tight or too shallow at the toe box.

    Please let us know how your partner gets on with this. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,



  • Hello people just an update my part we has had nail scrapings done and blood tests and everything has come back ok. So we are going to go and see dermatologist. Fingers crossed nothing serious, does anyone have any kind of knowledge on if it could appear on the same part of each big toe? I'm just not sure due to the fact that your feet aren't linked in any way? 



  • Hi,

    I'm not a doctor but I have been a melanoma patient for many years and I know several patients who have subungal melanoma. This type of melanoma is rare - it's more commonly found in those with darker skin & it accounts for only 1% of melanoma in white skinned individuals. I have never heard of it occurring in two different nails, particularly on different feet, so if it does occur it's very, very rare. Melanoma, including subungal melanoma, does not spread to another mole or another nail - if melanoma is found in 2 different places it will be 2 different 'primary' melanomas - again it's very rare for a cutaneous melanoma patient (like myself) to have 2 primaries at the same time. Most melanoma patients only ever have one primary - should they develop further primaries they are usually over a period of time.

    You don't mention if the marks are dark stripes that go from the nail bed to the end of the nail. If so, these can be caused by several different things so a dermatologist will be able to diagnose the problem. Good luck & please let us know how you get on,


  • Thanks for the info Angie 




    Hi Neil,

    I agree with Angie, that it is most unusual to get a melanoma on the same area of different feet. It is more likely to be caused by footwear, where the pressure from shoes could well damage corresponding areas on both feet at once. If this is the case, the blackness will grow out over several months.

    I am glad to hear that your partner is now going to see a dermatologist, but I'm pretty sure that all will be ok. Please let us know the outcome of this visit.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi can I ask how your partner is getting on with this? I am in a similar situation and have these marks on all toes so far podiatrist is stumped by them and same with my doctor thry haven't sent me to dermatology yet my doctor is doing bloods. I am so sick with anxiety due to this. Hope yous are getting on OK. 

  • Hello, we have paid to see a dermatologist via private hospital. But not due to see them til a week Saturday will have an update hopefully then. Wishing you all the best! 

  • Same to yous! Let us know how you get on. 

  • Hi I hope you don't mind. Can I ask how to got on with your private appointment as I have the same as your partner and am due to see a detematologist in a week. Thank you