HPV positive result not sexually active for years


im hoping anyone can help me with understanding my smear test results. I hadn't had a smear test for 8 years since my last child was born. I had one on October and have just received the results that I have no abnormal cells but am high risk hpv positive. I haven't been sexually active for approximately 7 years. Everything I've read had said that the virus should clear itself in 1-2 years and if it doesn't this is when it causes problems, so it says I'll be invited back in a year to see if it has cleared but I'm sure if it hasn't in at least 8 years it's unlikely to now. I'm so worried that it's been doing damage in all this time and I have to wait another year before it's looked at again. Is there any alternative I can seek for it to be looked at sooner? Im just so worried that I have this thing that hasn't gone in many many years and that it will cause serious damage potentially between now and my next smear. I'd be very grateful for any advice. Many thanks.

  • Hi worried41

    The procedure which would be done is called a colposcopy, which is an examination of the cervix with a microscope. At that point they would be able to see if the HPV virus had caused any changes to the cells, which could then be either regularly monitored or treated. 

    Many, many people live with persistent HPV, but it doesn’t mean they will ever get cancer. Once you have the virus, you will always have it although keeping your immune system as strong as possible with a healthy diet etc can make it dormant, where it would not show on an HPV test. There is no cure for HPV, but plenty treatment available if it causes cell changes. 

    You cannot opt to have a hysterectomy on the basis of having HPV. Removing your cervix does not remove the HPV, so it would be an unnecessary surgery. Even after having a hysterectomy abnormal cells could return on the vaginal cuff or vulva for example.

    Having HPV doesn’t mean that your cells will ever become abnormal, but if they did, this would be picked up and treated in the cervical screening process. It’s really nothing that should cause any worry if you are attending regular smear tests. 


  • Hi Minska 

    thank you for replying. I just feel so irrational atm. I have high cancer anxiety after losing my mum five years ago to cancer and there hasn't been a day since then when I don't think about dying from it too ... so the HPV news is heightened massively. Just feeling like my world has imploded. I have two small children and don't ever want them to go through what I went through with my mum. 

    I appreciate your words and for clarifying some information for me. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of intel for people who have obviously had this virus for so long. It just seems to focus on the cohort that will have immune systems that will clear this in 1-2 years. I'm guessing that's because they don't have the data yet as have only been testing for under 3 years. 

    You are right though - we will be closely monitored now which can only be a good thing. 

    thank you again xxx

  • Thats good to know, thank you for posting


  • I was 43 and had normal smears but HPV for 2 years (I had 2 yearly smears) which the doctors said would clear itself. Also same partner for 10 years.

    A few months after my normal smear I had vaginally bleeding and was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year. I didn't know at the time but 20% of women have a normal smear and cervical cancer.
    Please if you can make an appointment to investigate this further by having a biopsy. You may have to go private but it will be worth it for your piece of mind.

    I'm currently undergoing chemotherapy for a reoccurrence I wish I did something about my HPV sooner.

  • Hi, 

    I'm so lost. I'm 25 years old and I've had the same sexual partner since I was 16. I didn't have sexual relations with anyone before then and neither did he. I've just been for my first smear and been told I've tested positive for HPV. 
    I don't understand how this could have happened. I trust my partner completely and know it isn't due to them cheating. 
    I just don't know what to think...


  • Hi Sunflower

    HPV is passed through genital contact, but that doesn’t mean you had to have had penetrative sex..so it is possible to contract the virus through other kinds of sexual contact either of you may have had with anyone prior to your own relationship starting... but if neither of you has ever had any type of sexual contact with anyone...no touching another person ever in any way, then I’m sorry, I’m not sure how you could have contracted the virus. Hopefully your smear result has not identified any abnormal cells. 


  • Hiya All

    Can anyone Help as I'm riddled with Worry

    My Partner now Husband and I got together 13 Years ago, One Year into Our Relationship I had a Smear Test which was all Clear, 12 years later I have Recently had a Smear Test and I am HPV Positive, We have only been Sexually Active with each other, how could this be possible?

  • Hi Reidy

    Have neither of you at any point in your lives had any kind of sexual contact with any other person? I don’t just mean penetrative sex, I’m talking about any contact at all. I’m only aware of HPV being passed by genital contact (which doesn’t just mean actual sex)  so I’m afraid I can’t answer your question if you say categorically that neither of you had any kind of contact with anyone. 

    I wouldn’t spend any time worrying about HPV as it’s such a common virus to have, and so long as it does not cause any abnormal cells, it should not impact on your life in any way. And being part of the screening programme ensures that you are monitored for any changes. 

  • Hiya There


    Thankyou for Your Reply

    Yes Both of Us have had Previous Sexual Partners in the past but that was over 13 Years Ago before we got together, The Worrying thing is I had a Smear test 1 Year into Our Relationship and it came back Clear so have I now got this Result when we only been with each other since ???

  • It’s because once you have the virus you will always have it but it can go through dormant and active phases. When it’s dormant you will test negative for HPV and when it’s active you will test positive. 

    So, you could have had the virus for years and it has only shown up now because it has previously been dormant. There is no way to tell when or from who you contracted the virus, so it could have been from your current partner or a previous one. This virus literally can lie dormant for decades in your system-it’s the most commonly transmitted STI in the world.